"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Question My neighbor told me that she recently had “dropless” cataract surgery and she or ...

The relationship between chewing gum – each sugary and non-sugary – and whether chewing gum ...

We've heard loads concerning the negative effects of Ozympic these days, from rapid weight reduction ...

Dandruff may be dry, like snowflakes, or greasy, with yellow flakes. By half All adults ...

Eleven years ago, my partner and I Guess that About 2 million people worldwide die ...

About a decade ago, an invasive fungal disease called myrtle rust arrived in Australia and ...

Scientists have found a “tipping point” within the evolution of fungi that throttles their growth ...

A fungus on almost every continent may be the Achilles heel of frogs and toads. ...

Head lice should not dangerous, but they will be uncomfortable and painful. It's helpful to ...

Scabies is a skin condition characterised by a rash and intense itching. It is attributable ...