"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

According to the CDC, respiratory virus numbers remain high

February 20, 2024 – Respiratory virus counts remain high regardless that this winter's worst appears to be over, the CDC says.

The numbers have fallen in recent weeks, with flu hospitalization rates falling to about half of what they were in December Data from CDC. Hospitalization rates for COVID-19 were a few third lower.

“Although the respiratory virus season is likely past its peak, it is definitely not over yet.” the agency wrote Friday. “There is still high activity of respiratory viruses, so it is not time to let our guard down.”

The CDC said the height in “combined COVID-19, flu and RSV hospitalizations” this season was not as high as last yr. The healthcare system has not been put under as much strain and cumulative hospitalizations as a result of COVID-19 and flu are lower.

According to the CDC, about half of Americans have received a flu shot this season. About 22% of adults and 12% of youngsters have received the newest Covid-19 vaccination.

“COVID-19 activity remains high and vaccination can protect you from serious illness, hospitalization and death,” the CDC said.

“Significant” flu activity may last through May.

In addition to vaccinations, the CDC recommends wearing masks, social distancing, washing hands and improving air circulation to slow the spread of respiratory viruses. Early testing may also help provide the mandatory treatment.

CNN noted: “Covid-19 virus levels in wastewater remain high in the US – particularly in the South, where levels are twice as high as the rest of the country.” Despite the improvements, hundreds of persons are still being infected with Covid -19 hospitalized: greater than 21,000 people within the week ending February 10, in keeping with the CDC. The CDC’s most up-to-date data on Covid-19 deaths is incomplete, but it surely estimates there have been no less than 650 deaths within the week ending February 10.”