"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

An everyday afternoon nap will help rejuvenate aging brains.

In newspapers

An afternoon nap can recharge a drained body. Now research shows that they also can boost cognitive function. An observational study published online January 25, 2021 General Psychiatry checked out 2,214 healthy people aged 60 and over in China, where afternoon naps are common. Participants were asked in the event that they slept for at the very least five minutes after lunch. Two-thirds napped, and the others didn’t.

Each then took tests to measure various mental abilities, equivalent to memory, naming, attention, calculation and orientation. The researchers then obtained more details about their sleeping habits, including how long and the way persistently per week they slept.

When the researchers compared the test results with information on nipping, they found that nappers scored higher on cognitive tests than non-nappers. But the quantity of napping also matters. Shorter and fewer frequent naps — lower than half-hour, not more than 4 times every week — were related to the best profit. Longer and more frequent naps rating the bottom. Also, individuals who deliberately went to bed at specific times, at any time when they felt drained, as an alternative of falling asleep, scored higher.

The results suggest that if you happen to do nap, it's best to schedule naps for early afternoon, keep them to lower than half-hour (use a timer so that you don't oversleep), and take naps several times through the week. attempt to

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