"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Regular exercise is a recipe for staying healthy and energetic as you age. But sometimes it's not that ...

As we become old, lots of us find that we will't walk or walk in addition to we ...

Yoga will help increase flexibility and balance, but the traditional practice can have one other profit: helping to ...

An easy word all of us hear often—exercise—makes many cringe. Unhappy childhood memories of college sports or gym ...

Most modern fitness trackers are electronic devices that you just wear in your wrist to trace steps, total ...

When I began running in college, a friend of mine scoffed at the concept. He hated running and ...

In December, when chocolate wrappers and leftover Christmas pudding are throughout, it's easy to come to a decision ...

Setups once ruled because the approach to firm abs and a slim waist. While the “thrones” were just ...

Arthritis can rob you of the easy pleasures in life—you’ll be able to not wait to walk your ...

Failure could also be an inevitable a part of life, but that doesn't make it any less painful ...