"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Body integrity identity disorder is a really rare disorder. It occurs when your mental body image doesn't match ...

Color quietly plays an enormous role in the way you experience the world. Color can affect your mood, ...

Eating disorders reminiscent of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder are serious health risks, and could ...

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology that explains the five different levels of human ...

Fight or flight is a well known stress response that happens when hormones are released in your body, ...

The halo effect is a cognitive bias. What is a cognitive bias? It is a preconceived opinion that ...

When Bruce Willis' family announced in March 2022 that the actor was ending his profession resulting from a ...

If you have got been referred to a neuropsychologist, you might have asked yourself: What is neuropsychology? The ...

From birth to death, people learn, grow, and alter, and developmental psychologists seek to know the “why” and ...

Normal versus abnormal memory changes Age does a number on memory. Normal age-related changes make it difficult to ...