"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

What happens during jet lag? An internal master clock — a cluster of 20,000 neurons within the brain ...

Your doctor says you should wear that Darth Vader mask, which ends a foul month. First, the slight ...

News briefs Photo: Igor Alexander/iStock Here's another excuse to aim for seven to eight hours of sleep per ...

A number of easy steps may help reduce the sleep disturbances and anxiety that may occur while you ...

Sleep is a very important a part of human existence. On average, humans spend about 25% to 35% ...

What if I would like a sleep study? If you're one in all the roughly 35% of Americans ...

Follow me on Twitter. @RobShmerling An interesting latest study caught my eye for 2 reasons. First, researchers have ...

Some of those pharmaceuticals are linked to daytime sleepiness, risk of falls, and more. Photo: © mokee81/Thinkstock Types ...

Can getting quality sleep help prevent disease? Photo: © Monkey Business Images/Thinkstock night's sleep does greater than rejuvenate ...

Follow me on Twitter. @drClaire Babies need sleep, plain and easy. We all do. Without enough sleep, we ...