"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Benjamin Franklin, one among the founders of the United States, famously said that nothing is definite except death ...

In newspapers An afternoon nap can recharge a drained body. Now research shows that they also can boost ...

The research we're taking a look at. Urban legends have linked full moons to the whole lot from ...

As the clocks go forward and daylight savings time begins, there could be anxiety about losing an hour ...

In a recent blog post I discussed how sleep is helpful for memory function. But sleep isn't just ...

Hi my name is Abhilasa, I’m 9 years old and I’m from Melbourne and my query is what ...

“Sleep on it. Things will look better in the morning.” This advice, often given by parents, is alleged ...

Waking up at night. get up early Trouble falling asleep. Such behavioral sleep problems affect 20 to 30 ...

Many of us wish we could get a greater night's sleep. Wouldn't it’s great if it was so ...

Chronic insomnia, characterised by dissatisfaction with sleep quality or duration, is a standard health problem that affects an ...