"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

I take Flomax (tamsulosin) to administer my BPH. Advertisements say something about cataract surgery. What is the connection ...

As we proceed to battle smog across parts of the country, many Australians may find themselves with watery, ...

There are many good reasons for cataracts. Restoring clear, color vision is certainly at the highest of the ...

Parkinson's disease The second most common Neurodegenerative disease, more affected 10 million people worldwide. It is characterised by ...

Many American adults take aspirin every single day, often to stop heart attacks. Headlines published today a couple ...

Consider the statements below. What do they describe? A visit on psychedelics? A dream? I spotted I could ...

When kids pack for summer camp, sunglasses aren't all the time at the highest of the availability list. ...

Can the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is liable for COVID-19, be transmitted through tears or touching the eyes? Are ...

Looking for clues about your brain health? You should want to visit your eye doctor. Research increasingly links ...

Today, barn owls, bats, cheetahs and lots of other animals depend on their keen senses to survive and ...