"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Concussions in children: what to know and what to do.

Concussions are probably the most common brain injuries. It affects about two million children and adolescents each year.. This is a selected form of injury that happens when the brain is pushed backwards and forwards contained in the skull by a blow to the top or elsewhere on the body.

It's possible to come back off calmly after what looks like a minor injury, akin to a forceful push from behind, or a collision between two players in a football or soccer game.

What are the signs and symptoms of concussion?

Because the injury may not seem that significant on the skin, it is crucial to know the signs of a concussion. There are many various possible symptoms, including:

  • Passing out (this will be an indication of a more serious brain injury)
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Changes in perspective
  • Feeling disturbed by light or noise
  • Feeling confused or frustrated
  • Memory problems (akin to difficulty remembering details of an injury) or difficulty concentrating
  • Balance or coordination problems
  • change in mood.

Some of them are visible to others and a few are felt by the one that suffers from the concussion. That's why it's essential to know the signs and ask all the appropriate questions of a baby who has been hurt.

Sometimes symptoms may not appear immediately, but appear days after the injury. gave CDC heads up The website has a number of information on find out how to discover concussions.

How can further brain damage be prevented?

The key to recognizing a possible concussion early is that the worst thing you’ll be able to do after a concussion is to get one other one. After a concussion, the mind is weak. If it’s re-injured, the symptoms may last more – and even be everlasting, as in cases Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a condition seen in football players and others that suffer repeated head injuries.

If a baby experiences a concussion during a sporting event, stop playing — and seek medical attention. It is very important to hunt medical attention at any time when there’s concern a couple of possible concussion, each to make sure that there is no such thing as a more serious brain injury, and to rigorously evaluate symptoms in order that over time They could be monitored. there are some Screening questionnaires which is utilized by doctors could be used again in the times and weeks after the concussion to see how the infant is doing.

What helps children recuperate after a concussion?

Experts have struggled to work out find out how to protect the brain after a concussion. For an extended time the recommendation was to rest and do little or no. This meant no exercise, no school, not even reading or watching television. As symptoms improved, restrictions were regularly lifted.

Over time, research showed that not only was this rest not essential, it was counterproductive. It seems that getting children back into their day by day lives, and Back to being active, is secure and results in rapid recovery. Experts still recommend it. Rest and then slowly return to activities.but the rules aren’t any longer as strict as they once were.

An essential note: A medical skilled should guide decisions to maneuver from rest to light activity, after which regularly from there to moderate after which regular activity based on how the kid is doing. This step-by-step process can extend over days, weeks or longer, depending on what the kid needs. Parents, coaches, and schools can assist a baby or teenager. back to school And Back to activities and games..

Some children will give you the option to return to normal activities quickly. But for others, it could take weeks and even months. Schools and sports coaches should work with children to assist them recuperate. Some children develop post-concussive syndrome with headaches, fatigue and other symptoms. This is rare but could be very disabling.

How can parents help prevent tantrums?

It's not at all times possible to stop seizures, but there are things parents can do:

  • Make sure children use seat belts and other appropriate restraints within the vehicle.
  • Have clear safety rules and supervise children after they are playing, especially in the event that they are riding bikes or climbing trees or on play structures.
  • Since a minimum of half of concussions occur during sports, it is crucial that teams and coaches follow safety rules. Coaches should teach techniques and skills to avoid dangerous collisions and other injuries. Talk to your child's coaches about what they’re doing to maintain players secure. Although helmets can prevent many head injuries, they don’t prevent concussions.