"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Controlling the chronic inflammation of psoriasis

Lotions, medications, and light-weight and laser treatments may help.

Chronic inflammation within the body doesn’t all the time present itself. It may not cause any symptoms, but continues to be silently causing damage. Such silent inflammation can encourage the buildup of atherosclerotic plaques in your arteries, or cause your thyroid gland to turn into underactive or overactive.

Psoriasis, nonetheless, is different. In this chronic inflammatory disease, immune cells attack the skin, causing visible, uncomfortable lesions. It's an autoimmune condition: The immune system, which is your defense against foreign microbes and chemicals, mistakenly starts attacking your individual tissues.

Types of psoriasis

There are many kinds of psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis is by far probably the most common, accounting for 90% of cases. It causes thick red, raised patches of skin covered in silvery or white scales. These plaques can form anywhere, but are most typical on the elbows, knees, scalp, or lower back. Plaques may ooze or itch (but scratching or picking at them makes them worse, so try to depart them alone).

Other kinds of psoriasis include:

Guttate Psoriasis. It is the second most typical style of psoriasis. It often appears as small red, itchy bumps on the arms, back, chest, or abdomen.

Reverse psoriasis. It appears within the creases of the body: between the hips, under the arms, or near the genitals. The lesions may appear smooth and red.

Nail psoriasis. This style of psoriasis causes the nails to be yellow, pitted, or broken.

Pustular psoriasis. This type causes painful pus-filled blisters on the hands and feet. In rare cases, it will possibly be fatal.

Causes psoriasis.

However, scientists have uncovered a cascade of events that cause psoriasis symptoms. For example, in plaque psoriasis, certain white blood cells (T-helper lymphocytes) enter the highest layer of the skin (epidermis) and produce inflammatory chemicals that stimulate cell growth. that dead and dying skin cells accumulate on the surface of the skin. Skin, plaque formation.


If you’ve got psoriasis, you could be liable to developing one other health problem. For example, one in three individuals with psoriasis will develop psoriatic arthritis. This condition causes pain, stiffness, or swelling within the joints of the fingers, toes, or spine, or on the junction of bones and tendons or ligaments.

Other conditions can also develop. “People with severe plaque psoriasis — plaques on more than 10 percent of the body — have high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, some types of liver disease, and coronary artery disease,” Dr. No says. Morbidity rates are high,” says Dr. No. .

What is the link? “The hypothesis is that the inflammation seen in the skin can also affect other internal organs,” says Dr. Nou. “Additional research is underway to better understand these other conditions and how they are affected by psoriasis treatments.”

Treatment options

Topical steroids, gentle exfoliant lotions, and emollients that keep the skin hydrated are very effective for mild psoriasis, Dr. No says. “Some are available over the counter and some require a prescription,” she notes.

Other psoriasis treatment options include ultraviolet light (phototherapy), laser therapy, or vitamin A (retinoid cream).

Moderate to severe psoriasis often requires stronger treatment. Your doctor may prescribe immunomodulating drugs or biologics (which goal proteins involved in inflammation) to suppress the immune system. Thanks to medical research, these more powerful treatments have turn into available lately, and may make an enormous difference in people's lives.

COVID-19 and psoriasis

The pandemic has had a significant impact on individuals with psoriasis. “Many patients find it difficult to meet with their doctor to discuss continuing psoriasis treatment or starting new medications,” says Dr. Noe. “Many patients experienced interruptions in phototherapy during the pandemic when offices were closed. In addition, many patients stopped taking their medications, including tablets and injections.” Some people stopped because they feared the drugs might make them more prone to COVID-19, and a few because they lost their jobs and couldn't afford the drugs.

For the latest recommendations in regards to the risks of COVID-19 for individuals with psoriasis, doctors recommend visiting the National Psoriasis Foundation (/npf) website.

“The foundation has established a COVID-19 task force of experts in dermatology, rheumatology, epidemiology, infectious diseases, and significant care, and is doing a wonderful job of providing clear recommendations and guidance for individuals with psoriasis. Everything is obtainable on his website says Dr. No.

“I encourage all people with psoriasis to follow the task force's recommendation to get vaccinated with the mRNA vaccine. [from either Pfizer or Moderna] as soon as possible, if they haven't already,” says Dr. Nove. She also advises psoriasis patients to refer to their dermatologist about any questions or concerns about it. ; Be proactive and get the data you would like.”

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