"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Counting Sheep No More: Proven Behaviors to Help You Sleep

As humans, we spend a couple of third of our lives sleeping. Although science has taught us in regards to the human brain's remarkable control over our each day sleep and wake patterns, tens of hundreds of thousands of Americans still don't get the sleep they need. About 20 percent of American adults report using sleep medications to assist them sleep, despite known unwanted side effects and health information. Really the work. Some people turn to alcohol for rest. And many have tried all the pieces without relief.

Whether your problem is lack of quality sleep, daytime sleepiness, or not getting the seven to nine hours of sleep each night that almost all people need, first ask yourself, “How can I improve my sleep?” What habits can I modify for?”

Do you’ve got good sleep hygiene? In general, sleep hygiene refers to practicing behaviors that promote sleep and stopping behaviors which might be bad for sleep:

Nighttime tricks to allow you to sleep

  • Get up at the identical time every single day, even on weekends. A daily wake-up time helps set your body's natural clock (circadian rhythm) by ensuring you're not oversleeping. Sleeping an excessive amount of can affect your ability to fall and stay asleep the subsequent night, or the night after.
  • Go to bed while you're sleepy, not only drained. Listen to your body. There are certain times of the night that your body will sleep higher than others. Sleeping before you’re feeling sleepy or before your body is able to sleep will frustrate you. If you’re feeling sleepy, but your mind is busy pondering, it may possibly't shut off and go to sleep. Sitting down with a pen and paper within the evening and writing down things that trouble you, or performing some rest techniques, equivalent to slow respiration or yoga, will help.
  • Put all electronics away two hours before bed. Put all electronics away two hours before bed. (Yes, it's so vital, I'm saying it twice!) Cell phones, tablets, and all electronic devices make it hard to show off your brain, they usually may interfere along with your body clock. If you need to use your device, use a program that reduces blue light exposure, equivalent to NightShift in Apple products or f.lux for Android devices.
  • Create a snug sleep environment: A spot that’s cool, dark and quiet.
  • Use your bed just for sleeping and sex. Doing other activities in bed will train your brain to think that activities aside from sleep are appropriate in bed.

Daytime Tips to Help Sleep

  • Avoid or limit caffeine. Caffeine could make you more alert through the day, but many individuals are sensitive to its effects. Even a cup or two early within the day can disrupt your sleep at night.
  • Avoid or limit alcohol. Although alcohol will help people sleep, it may possibly result in more sleep problems at night. Alcohol may cause more trips to the lavatory in the midst of the night.
  • Create an everyday schedule for eating, exercising, and other activities, as this often helps set your body's circadian rhythm. Also, exercising through the day will help improve the standard of your sleep at night.
  • Treat medical problems that will interfere with sleep, equivalent to chronic pain, or mental health problems, equivalent to depression and anxiety. If you’ve got any of those problems, you need to discuss them along with your doctor.
  • Do not smoke. If you're having trouble quitting, there are numerous good resources to allow you to quit, and your doctor can allow you to here, too.

What if I work multiple jobs or shift work?

Sometimes there are aspects that affect our sleep that we cannot control. If you’re employed shifts, strategies equivalent to taking a nap before evening shifts, and reducing light exposure and planning sleep while you leave evening shifts will help.

I've been doing all this and I still can't sleep!

This could possibly be an indication that you’ve got a medical sleep problem, equivalent to an insomnia disorder or sleep apnea. If you're doing all the suitable things and practicing good sleep hygiene, and also you're still having trouble falling or staying asleep, you might have to see a sleep specialist. It's vital to know that sleep hygiene will help some people sleep higher, but insomnia behavior. Very More than simply sleep hygiene; It is a proven, non-drug technique to treat insomnia. Behavioral therapy for insomnia gives each individual their very own “prescription” for changing their sleep behavior, rewiring your brain to realize healthier sleep.

Below are some reliable resources that may introduce you to behavioral treatments for insomnia:

Treatment of insomniaAmerican Association of Sleep Medicine

Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine

Dr. British will present “Understanding the Role of Nonpharmacologic Treatments in Insomnia” on the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine Grand Rounds at Brigham & Women's Hospital on November 6, 2018 from 8-9 am. Members of the general public are welcome to attend his speech.