"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Early menopause symptoms and migraines signal cardiac risks

February 15, 2024 – Regular hot flashes, night sweats and migraines in early maturity may mean the next risk of heart disease or stroke, a brand new study within the journal finds menopause suggests.

The risk of developing heart disease or other cardiovascular problems was 1.5% amongst women who often suffered from migraines and vasomotor symptoms – the medical term for night sweats and hot flashes during menopause – between the ages of 20 and 30. times higher than in women who rarely or never had the identical problems.

The risk of stroke was even higher in women who often suffered from hot flashes, night sweats and migraines over a 15-year period. The study analyzed data from nearly 2,000 women from their average age of 25 to their 40s.

The researchers found no independent increased risk of heart problems or stroke related to migraines or based on the regularity of night sweats and hot flashes. The finding suggests that the mix of symptoms could mean the next risk of heart problems or stroke in middle age.

About 18% of ladies of later childbearing age suffer from migraines, the study authors said, declaring that strokes have long been related to migraines and that the majority people have their first migraine before age 50.

The researchers also found that ladies who are suffering from migraines in addition to hot flashes and night sweats can likely reduce their risk of stroke or heart problems by quitting smoking and treating conditions equivalent to high blood sugar, high cholesterol and hypertension.

A separate studyalso published in menopause, identified risk aspects for normal night sweats and hot flashes in early maturity. The evaluation pointed to a few patterns of vasomotor symptoms in women of their 20s and 30s:

  • 40% had minimal symptoms
  • 27% had symptoms that increased over time
  • 33% had constant symptoms

Women who were black, had lower than a highschool education, showed symptoms of depression or migraines, smoked cigarettes or had a hysterectomy were more more likely to have persistent symptoms.

“The fear and anxiety that women with migraines and menopausal symptoms feel about cardiovascular risk is real – but these results suggest that focusing on prevention and correcting unhealthy habits and risk factors could help most women,” Catherine Kim, MD , MPH., an associate professor of internal medicine on the University of Michigan who was the lead writer of each studies, said in a opinion. “For the subgroup with migraines and early persistent hot flashes and night sweats, as well as those currently experiencing migraines in early adulthood, these results suggest the additional need to manage risks and address symptoms early.”