"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Feeling uninspired about tackling a core workout?

It's not all the time easy to persist with exercise, but setting goals and planning for when your motivation may lag. If you're spending more time on the lookout for excuses than doing those planks and bridges, try taking a have a look at the list below for some inspiration.

Do basic exercises often.

  • Keep your back strong and versatile, which is able to make it easier to avoid lower back pain.
  • Reduce back pain or stiffness so you may move, sit and sleep more comfortably
  • Improve your balance and stability, which is able to help prevent falls and make walking and other activities easier.
  • Reclaim the strength and suppleness you would like for on a regular basis activities like bending, twisting and lifting
  • Build the strength and suppleness you would like for on-the-job tasks equivalent to lifting heavy objects, bending, or standing or sitting at a desk for hours on end.
  • Add strength to activities you enjoy, equivalent to tennis, running, golf, kayaking, gardening—or some other activity.
  • Improve your posture, which might visually trim your figure and help prevent back injuries.
  • Help tone your waistline.
  • Add variation to your regular workouts.

Photo: Dan Drabot/Thinkstock

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