"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Five Ways This Dangerous TikTok Weight Loss Trend Is Harming Your Health

Social media is crazy. Type 2 diabetes medication Ozempic But Ozempic's ability to manage blood sugar isn't why it's so popular online. Instead, the drug is trending since it is shown Clinical trials Causes weight reduction in diabetic patients.

This has led to a rise within the number of individuals attempting to get their hands on Ozympic in hopes of shedding pounds – regardless that Ozympic Not recommended for weight loss. The increasing popularity of medication online has not only contributed to the shortage. Bootleg version Of drugs, it also results in the onset of unhealthy eating habits.

One of those eating regimen trends making the rounds on social media is what some have dubbed the “budget Ozympic.” Budget Ozempic is definitely not related to Ozempic in any respect, nor does it contain semaglutide – the drug ingredient that's the lively ingredient in Ozempic. In most cases, what persons are calling a “budget Ozemic” online is definitely a laxative and stool softener.

There are many the explanation why you must avoid using “budget Ozympic” when you're attempting to shed extra pounds – not the least of which is that they only have a small, short-term effect on weight reduction. has to Laxatives and stool softeners will not be designed for long-term use and will not be indicated for weight reduction. Their misuse might be harmful for several reasons.


Some kinds of laxatives work by bringing water from one other a part of the body into the intestines to melt the stool and make it easier to pass. But misuse of laxatives and stool softeners can result in this. Dehydration and dehydration. This could cause short-term symptoms akin to feeling more drained or thirsty than usual, in addition to dizziness and light-headedness.

Dehydration also can trigger the body. renin-angiotensen response. A key function of this response is to balance fluids and blood pressure. If an excessive amount of water is lost in a brief time frame, it can eventually cause fluid retention. This is temporary Fluid accumulation Your body overcompensates for dehydration. May result in chronic dehydration. High blood pressure and others Cardiovascular problems.

Short-term symptoms of dehydration include fatigue, thirst, and dizziness.
Physics / Shutterstock

But while laxative use results in dehydration, it doesn't result in fat loss. This implies that the load someone loses from using laxatives is simply temporary – and any water lost will probably be regained.

Electrolyte imbalance

Irresponsible use of laxatives also can cause you to lose electrolytes.

Electrolytes (akin to sodium, potassium and chloride) are essential for the body to operate. They help balance your fluid levels and maintain your muscles. The nervous system is functioning. But when our body loses water or we develop into dehydrated, our body's electrolyte balance is thrown off.

In the short term, electrolyte imbalances could cause muscle pain and spasms, nausea, fatigue, headaches, and numbness within the limbs. But chronic, long-term electrolyte imbalances might be more dangerous — increasing your risk Heart problems.

Inadequate intake of nutrients

Our bodies need many nutrients to operate properly – including vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins. These nutrients come from the foods we eat, and are mainly absorbed within the small intestine.

to make use of Laxative and cleansing (as sometimes seen in cases of bulimia nervosa) can result in poor quality nutrient intake. One study even found laxative use to be the cause 12% less absorption of essential nutrients.

Gastrointestinal problems

The use of laxatives affects Gastrointestinal system. If you utilize them for a very long time, it may well cause Diarrhea.

Because Causes diarrhea This is because laxatives work to maneuver waste through the intestines faster and take away water from the intestines. As a result, mineral and salt levels in your body can develop into imbalanced.

Health considerations

Although the usage of laxatives and stool softeners could cause temporary weight reduction, this is simply on account of water weight reduction, the harmful effects of laxative abuse can offset any temporary weight gain you could gain. There is more to weight reduction. Abuse of laxatives May also increase the danger of eating disorders, akin to bulimia nervosa.

Anyone who desires to shed extra pounds should attempt to follow a structured weight reduction program that features exercise together with a healthy, balanced eating regimen. Laxatives should only be used to treat constipation if other methods haven't worked and after talking to your GP.