"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Hearing loss will be related to dementia.

Hearing loss represents greater than just difficulty hearing sounds. This can result in social isolation and depression. A brand new study suggests that hearing loss may additionally be linked to lack of memory and considering skills.

In a ___ The study was published online yesterday JAMA Internal MedicineJohns Hopkins researchers found that hearing loss occurred more rapidly over a six-year period in individuals with hearing loss than in those without hearing loss. Among nearly 2,000 volunteers, over the age of 70, those with hearing loss were also more more likely to develop “cognitive impairment,” measured by scores on a key test called the Modified Mini-Mental State Examination. I defined as substantial deficiency. Researchers estimate that it’ll take a median of lower than eight years for an older adult with hearing loss to develop cognitive impairment, compared with 11 years for individuals with normal hearing.

This isn't the primary time researchers have explored possible links between hearing loss and brain function. Some saw what Hopkins' team saw, while others found no connection between hearing loss and considering skills. The strengths of this study in comparison with previous ones are:

• This included older individuals who initially had normal tests for memory and considering.

• All volunteers underwent standardized hearing tests by professionals.

• The same methods for testing hearing and brain function were used throughout the study.

Keep in mind that this recent study shows that a Association. It doesn’t prove hearing loss reasons Decreased considering skills. The work also raises a bigger query: Can treating hearing loss prevent or slow age-related decline in brain function?

What is the connection?

If listening and considering skills are indeed linked, there could also be several plausible reasons for this.

Hearing loss can result in greater social isolation, which older people already experience, and social isolation is a definite risk factor for cognitive impairment and dementia. Like poor vision, poor hearing can result in brain stimulation, which is one other risk factor for reduced considering skills. It's also possible that hearing loss pulls energy away from the “thinking” parts of the brain, making the brain work extra time to process signals from the ears.

Test your hearing.

Two-thirds of adults over the age of 70 have some extent of hearing loss. Doctors don't routinely test for this problem, so it could be as much as you to discover it. Because it often comes on regularly, chances are you’ll not know you’ve gotten an issue.

Answering “yes” to a few or more of the questions below National Institute on Disability and Other Communication Disorders, suggests it's idea to refer to your doctor. He or she may refer you for normal hearing tests.

  • Do you’ve gotten problems hearing on the phone?
  • Do you’ve gotten trouble following a conversation when two or more persons are talking at the identical time?
  • Do people complain that you simply turn up the amount on the radio or television an excessive amount of?
  • Do you’ve gotten to strain to grasp a conversation?
  • Do you’ve gotten trouble hearing in a loud background?
  • Do you end up asking people to repeat themselves?
  • Do many individuals you refer to appear to mumble or not speak clearly?
  • Do you misunderstand what others are saying and respond inappropriately?
  • Do you’ve gotten difficulty understanding the speech of ladies and youngsters?
  • Do people get indignant since you misunderstand what they're saying?