"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Hit the activity mark

When it involves staying healthy, how much exercise is enough? The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, recommend no less than 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate physical activity plus two muscle-strengthening exercises per week. do (Alternatively, you may do half that quantity—75 minutes of activity per week—but at a more vigorous intensity.)

What's within the number?

Although each physical activity and muscle strength are essential, experts emphasize greater than 150 minutes per week, because it helps people to be energetic and fewer sedentary. “Some research has suggested that people who sit for more than seven hours a day with limited activity have an increased risk of death, similar to obesity and smoking,” says Dr. Malik.

So where did the number 150 come from? “While scientific advisory committees and other experts have assembled a body of evidence linking exercise to chronic conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease, at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week has repeatedly shown health benefits. “Those who frequently meet these criteria have a reduced risk of disease and risk aspects comparable to weight gain, high cholesterol and hypertension,” says Dr. Malik. (Regular activity can even improve mental and sexual health.)

But here is the important thing word. atleast. Guidelines set the low end at 150 minutes, and research has found that going beyond that number has additional advantages.

Individual needs

Aiming for 150 minutes is nice, says Dr. Malik, but your best practice ultimately is dependent upon your physical condition and goals.

“Everyone is built differently and has different health concerns, which can dictate what is an effective and safe amount of activity,” he says. “For example, people returning from an injury or with significant health problems may need to exercise for less time or less intensity until they build strength and endurance. “It may be as subtle as increasing your day by day step count.” Your fitness goals also play a job. Older men might have to focus more on strength training (doing greater than the really helpful two days per week) because of sarcopenia, which helps reverse the natural lack of muscle mass. Or they might have to do more stretching, flexibility, and balance exercises to deal with range-of-motion and mobility issues.

“Consulting with your doctor or personal trainer can help you set specific fitness goals and determine how much activity you need,” says Dr. Malik.

Break it up

While 150 weekly minutes continues to be a mark that older adults should strive for, this number can feel daunting. Instead of specializing in the whole 150 minutes, break it up into manageable chunks, suggests Dr. Malik. For example, 150 minutes is comparable to half-hour done five days per week. Another option is to interrupt those half-hour into even smaller chunks. “You don't have to do the whole 30 minutes at once to reap the benefits,” says Dr. Malik. “Try to do 10 minutes of exercise three times a day, or two workouts of 15 minutes each.”

You also don't need to do the identical activity each time. “You can always squeeze in moderate activity throughout the day,” says Dr. Malik. For example, hold planks during TV commercials, go for a walk after lunch, and do counter push-ups or squats within the kitchen whilst you wait for the coffee to brew. Everyday activities like yard work and home tasks also count toward your day by day count, says Dr. Malik.

Another strategy is to deal with diversity. Find recent activities of interest that fit into your routine. For example, join a recreational sports league or pickleball group, or do a peloton workout or take a yoga class.

As for doing small amounts of high-intensity activity to satisfy your quota, Dr. Malik advises that it is a level that must be achieved with preparation and proper training. “It's important to reduce the risk of injuries by gradually working toward this more advanced type of exercise and incorporating cross-training to avoid overuse injuries,” he says.

The bottom line is that while it's good to be mindful of reaching 150 weekly minutes, don't deal with the number itself, but deal with living a healthy lifestyle. “If necessary, start small, like 50 minutes per week, and build up from there,” says Dr. Malik. “Ultimately, it's about reducing sitting time, being active, and enjoying what you do. If you focus on that, you'll gradually get to 150 minutes and It will probably be exceeded.”

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