"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

How to manage your temper

Anger is a really strong emotion that may arise from feelings of frustration, hurt, annoyance, or disappointment. It is a standard human emotion that may range from mild annoyance to severe anger.

Anger could be harmful or helpful depending on the way it is expressed. Knowing how one can recognize and express anger appropriately can assist people achieve goals, take care of emergencies, and solve problems. However, problems can arise when people don’t recognize and understand their anger.

Repressed, unexpressed anger could be an underlying explanation for anxiety and depression. Inappropriately expressed anger can disrupt relationships, affect patterns of thought and behavior, and cause a wide range of physical problems. Chronic (long-term) anger is related to health problems reminiscent of hypertension, heart problems, headaches, skin conditions and digestive problems. Additionally, poorly managed anger could be linked to problems reminiscent of alcohol and drug abuse, crime, emotional and physical abuse, and other violent behavior.

  • If you begin to get indignant, try deep respiratory, positive self-talk, or stopping your indignant thoughts. Breathe deeply through your diaphragm. Slowly repeat a peaceful word or phrase reminiscent of “Relax” or “Take it easy.” Repeat to yourself, taking deep breaths, until the anger subsides.
  • Avoid alcohol or illegal drugs, as these increase the likelihood that you’ll react impulsively to indignant feelings.
  • Although it is best to specific anger than to cover it, anger must be expressed in an appropriate manner. Frequent outbursts of anger are sometimes counterproductive and result in problems in relationships with others. Tantrums also put a strain in your nervous and cardiovascular systems and may worsen health problems. Learning how one can use assertiveness is the healthy strategy to express your feelings, needs, and preferences. In these situations, assertiveness could be used as an alternative of anger.
  • Seek the support of others. Talk about your feelings and take a look at to work on changing your behavior.
  • If you’ve got trouble recognizing when you’ve got indignant thoughts, keep a log of if you end up indignant and take a look at to seek out the triggers.
  • Try to realize a unique perspective by putting yourself in another person's shoes.
  • Learn to laugh at yourself and recognize humor in situations.
  • Practice good listening. Listening can improve communication and promote trust between people. This trust can provide help to take care of potentially hostile emotions.
  • Learn to say yourself and express your feelings calmly and directly without becoming defensive, hostile, or emotionally charged. Consult self-help books on assertiveness or seek help from knowledgeable therapist to learn how one can use assertiveness and anger management skills.

If you are feeling that your anger is spiraling uncontrolled and negatively impacting your life and relationships, seek the assistance of a mental health skilled. A psychologist or other licensed mental health skilled can work with you to higher understand the causes of anger and develop techniques to vary your pondering and behavior. An expert can provide help to deal along with your anger appropriately. Choose your therapist rigorously and be sure you seek treatment from knowledgeable trained in teaching anger management and assertiveness skills.