"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Improving fitness can reduce the danger of prostate cancer

January 31, 2024 – Men who improve their fitness could reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer, in response to a brand new Swedish study.

Specifically, improving cardiorespiratory fitness by 3% or more per yr over three years reduced men's risk of developing prostate cancer by 35%, in comparison with men whose fitness decreased by 3% annually.

Cardiorespiratory fitness is a measure of how the guts and lungs deliver oxygen to the muscles during exercise.

The decline held true no matter how fit the boys were initially of the study period, in response to results published within the study British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Study researchers from the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences examined information from greater than 57,000 Swedish men enrolled in a health database in 1982. The men accomplished at the very least two fitness tests to measure how much oxygen they used during intense exercise – more meant higher fitness.

During the tests, men rode stationary bicycles. The results were compared with those of men who developed the disease later. NBC News reports that 113 out of 100,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer.

This shows that “no matter age, position in your life, or relative fitness, for those who improve your fitness, even by a comparatively small amount, you may significantly reduce your risk of developing prostate cancer said William Oh, MD, of the Prostate Cancer Foundation NBC News. He was not involved within the study.

Researchers say jogging, walking and swimming are also good exercises.

“They want to aim for more intense activities – these are activities that we would do and find it difficult to maintain a conversation with a friend,” said Kate Bolam, co-author and researcher on the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences. “It could be line dancing if that gets your heart rate up and you think it's fun and you do it regularly.”

Previous research has shown that physical activity is related to a lower risk of cancer basically.