"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Is owning a dog good in your health?

Australia loves dogs. We have certainly one of those. Highest rates of pet ownership on the planet, and one in two households has it. At least one dog.

But are they good for our health?

There is mental health. The second most common reason Reference was made to getting a dog after courtship. And a lot of us to say We “feel healthy” by petting a dog – and letting them sleep in our bedroom.

Here's what sharing our homes (and dogs) with our canine companions means for our physical and mental health.

Are there physical health advantages to owning a dog?

Owning a dog is related to a lower risk of death in the long run. In 2019, A Systematic review collected evidence published over 70 years, covering nearly 4 million individual clinical cases. It found that folks who owned dogs had a 24 percent lower risk of dying from any cause than those that didn't.

Owning a dog might help lower your blood pressure through more physical activity.
Barnabas Duty/Pixels

Dog ownership was related to increased physical activity. It lowered blood pressure and helped reduce the chance of stroke and heart disease.

The review found that for individuals with a history of heart-related medical problems (resembling a heart attack), living with a dog reduced their risk of dying by 35 percent, in comparison with individuals with no history of heart disease. Similar but not a dog.

Another recent one A UK study found that adult dog owners were nearly 4 times more more likely to meet every day physical activity goals than non-owners. Children from households with a dog were also more lively and engaged in additional unstructured play than children with out a dog.

Exposure to dirt and microbes may occur. Strengthen the immune system And young children who grow up with dogs have less use of antibiotics.

A boy wearing sunglasses talks to his Jack Russell terrier on the beach.
Children in households with dogs were often more lively.
Mary Shot/Shutterstock

Health hazards

However, dogs also can pose a threat to our physical health. is probably the most common health problems for pet owners. Allergy.

Dog saliva, urine and Dryness (the skin cells they shed) can trigger an allergic response that leads to a Limitation of symptomsFrom itchy eyes and runny nose to difficulty respiration.

A recent one A meta-analysis Data was collected on about 2 million children. The findings suggest that early exposure to dogs may increase the chance of developing asthma (although not as much as cats). The age of the kid, how much contact they’ve with the dog and their individual risk all play a task.

Slips, trips and falls are one other hazard. More people Felling brought on by dogs in comparison with cats.

Having a dog also can expose you. Cuts and scratches which may infect and pose a risk to individuals with weakened immune systems. And they will introduce zoonotic diseases into your own home, including ringworm disease And Campylobactera disease that causes diarrhea.

For them Bed sharing The risk of developing allergies and ringworm increases. This can lead to sleep deprivation, as dogs move around at night.

Some owners, however, report feeling safer during this time. Co-sleeping with their dogs.With the emotional profit outweighing the opportunity of waking up with disturbed sleep or flea bites.

Appropriate veterinary care and hygiene practices are essential to attenuate these risks.

A dog peeks out from under Donna while a man sleeps.
Many of us don't just share a house with a dog – we allow them to sleep in our beds.
Claudia Manas/Insplash

What about mental health?

Many people know that the advantages of owning a dog should not only physical.

As companions, dogs can provide essential emotional support in reducing anxiety, depression and other symptoms. Post-traumatic stress. Their presence can offer comfort and a way of purpose to those facing mental health challenges.

Loneliness a important And increasing A public health problem in Australia

At the dog park and in your neighborhood, dogs can. Make it easy To start chatting with strangers and make recent friends. These might help create a way of social interactions. Belonging to the community And reduce feelings Stay away from people.

for Older adultswalking the dog could be a invaluable intervention for loneliness that encourages social interaction with neighbors, while also counteracting a decline in physical activity.

However, should you are experiencing chronic loneliness, it may possibly be difficult to interact. With other people throughout the tour. Australian studies Just getting a dog is related to a discount in loneliness. People reported improved mood – possibly resulting from the advantages of strengthening bonds with their dog.

Three dogs on a leash are sniffing each other.
Walking the dog could make it easier to seek advice from people in your neighborhood.

What are the drawbacks?

While dogs can bring immense happiness and various health advantages, there are also downsides and challenges. Responsibility for the care of a dog, especially one with behavioral problems or health problems; Can be overwhelming And creates financial stress.

Dogs have a shorter lifespan than humans. Loss of a beloved companion May cause depression or aggravate existing mental health conditions.

Lifestyle compatibility and Living conditions They also play a vital role in whether it’s price having a dog.

The so-called The influence of pets suggests that pets, often dogs, improve human physical and mental health in all situations and for all people. The reality is more subtle. For some people, owning a pet will be more stressful than rewarding.

Importantly, the animals that share our homes should not just “instruments” for human health. Owners and dogs can mutually profit when the welfare of each is maintained.