"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Losing weight helps your partner reduce weight too.

In newspapers

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People who attempt to reduce weight will help their partner do the identical, in keeping with a study published online on February 1, 2018. obesity.

The study tracked the burden loss progress of 130 couples over six months. The couples were divided into two groups. In one group, one member of the couple was involved within the Weight Watchers program, which provided in-person counseling and online tools to assist with weight reduction. In the second group, one member of the couple received a four-page handout with information on weight reduction methods, equivalent to healthy eating, exercise, and weight management strategies.

Over six months, 32% of spouses in each groups not assigned to the weight-loss program lost 3% or more of their body weight — considered a measurable health profit. The study also found that couples' weight reduction rates were correlated — if one member lost weight at a gentle pace, so did that person's partner. Likewise, if one person struggled to reduce weight, so did the partner.

The researchers hypothesized that those that succeeded in losing a few pounds created a “ripple effect” by which their partners were also capable of adopt many latest healthy habits.