"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Martyr complex: causes, signs and more

A martyr complex is a recognized psychological pattern. It is characterised by self-sacrifice and repair to others at one's own expense. Recognizing martyr traits and tendencies can prevent burnout and stress in your relationships.

Some points of martyrdom could appear desirable, but it is crucial to know the negative effects as well.

The martyr complex is closely related to a different behavioral pattern, the victim complex or victim mentality. They share similar motives, conditions and behaviors.

The victim complex. At its core, the victim complex is about someone seeing themselves as a victim of their life events. They often express that bad things are all the time happening to them, claim that they don’t have any control over their lives and take no responsibility for the things they do. The motives for a victim mentality are sometimes unconscious.

The Victim mentality gives people a sense of security and validation. As victims, they wouldn’t have to take the blame for his or her actions, they receive the eye of those around them and are validated by the support of others. However, by transferring responsibility to others, they sacrifice their very own control and skill to act. They depend on others for his or her self-esteem.

In each the martyr complex and the victim complex, an individual relies on others. Those who martyr themselves make themselves victims for the advantage of others. They consistently sacrifice resources against their very own interest. A martyr takes on the role of hero.

People who exhibit martyr behavior normally have good motives for doing so. Sometimes they’re forced into the role of a martyr due to their environment. People in service jobs can develop a martyr complex.

The behavior of the martyr complex differs depending on the cause.

Minimize successes. You can dismiss your actions and say it doesn't matter when you make sacrifices. You do it out of the great feeling of constructing the sacrifice, not out of praise for recognition.

Be the hero. The idea of ​​“hero syndrome” can function an indication of the martyr complex. You can often play the hero, do all the things yourself and solve everyone's problems without complaining.

Missing Self-care. You can't pour from an empty mug. If you end up in a situation where you might be consistently giving and disregarding your personal health, you might be probably exhibiting the patterns of a martyr complex.

I'm on the lookout for opportunities for sacrifice. Similar to the victim complex, a martyr looks for methods to get in the best way of danger. You can search for examples or find ways to make these sacrifices.

Have unrealistic values. A martyr can view his actions as an expression of his care. You may feel that when you don't work hard for people each day, it means you don't love people enough.

The martyr complex is usually deeply rooted in your lifestyle. This makes them difficult to handle and maintain. You can take steps to shift your considering away from martyrdom and toward caring for yourself.

  • Find or start a support group.
  • Invest in yourself by reserving time and resources for belongings you enjoy.
  • Take time to your physical health.
  • Keep a journal and express gratitude for yourself and others.
  • Spend time with family and friends in an environment where you don't need assistance and might enjoy one another's company.

Speak to your doctor for further advice on the way to prioritize your health and wellbeing.