"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Mediterranean weight loss program wins – yes, again

January 3, 2024 – Losing weight and eating healthier should not at the highest of the list of New Year's resolutions for 2024, no less than in line with one opinion Opinion poll. Saving money was mentioned by 59% of the over 400 respondents. But 47% said a healthier weight loss program was an answer and 35% selected weight reduction.

Instructions for each goals are currently available US News and World Report, which is her 14thTh Annual rating of the best diet plans Today.

The Mediterranean weight loss program, which focuses on the general quality of the weight loss program fairly than a single food group or nutrient, got here out on top within the categories. It won within the Best Diets Overall category, together with Best Diets for Diabetes, Best Heart Healthy Diets, Easiest Diets to Follow, Best Diets for Bone and Joint Health, Best Family Friendly Diets, and “Best Diets for Healthy Eating”.

For Gretel Schueller, MA, Editor-in-Chief for Health at US News. “Science continues to support this,” she said of the eating plan, which focuses on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, legumes, olive oil, herbs and spices. The weight loss program will also be adapted to any cuisine, she said. “You can do a Japanese version. You can make a vegan version.

The process

This year, 43 independent experts, none of whom had a particular interest in commercial diet programs or a particular diet approach, evaluated the diets US News, Schueller said.

The publication begins looking at diet plans every January to see which ones are trending and to see if a particular diet is gaining traction, she said, or if previously “unusual” diets have new science behind them .

“Until spring, we [usually] I have a list of over 50.” The group pared that down and selected 30 diets for the rankings this year, six more than the total for the 2023 rankings. Other diets not included in the rankings are described on the website , to provide information of interest to consumers who would like more details about these plans.

The rankings are based on a system developed by the publication in collaboration with The Harris Poll and drawn from an expert panel of physicians, registered dietitians, nutritional epidemiologists and academic weight loss researchers.

Here are the winners in the 11 categories:

Best diets overall

According to the Mediterranean diet:

  • Second place went to the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension). It fights high blood pressure and focuses on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and low-fat dairy products.
  • In third place was the MIND diet (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay). It combines DASH and Mediterranean diet with a focus on improving brain health.

Best diets for losing weight

  • Weight Watchers, now known as WW, took over the top spot. It uses a points-based program to set a daily goal, includes support through meetings, and encourages physical activity.
  • Mediterranean diet, second.
  • Volumetry, third. The emphasis is on eating healthy foods that produce a feeling of satiety, with the goal of long-term weight loss.

The best diets for losing weight quickly

  • The keto diet comes first and repeats last year. The high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet aims to achieve rapid weight loss by burning fat.
  • The Atkins diet came in second place. It restricts carbohydrate intake at the beginning and then gradually adds them back in.
  • The Health Management Resources (HMR) program ranked third. It is based on structured meal plans and behavioral coaching.

Best diabetes diets

  • The Mediterranean diet took first place.
  • DASH came second.
  • Flexitarian was third. The emphasis is on fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods, but occasionally allows meat.

Best Diets for Bone and Joint Health

  • Mediterranean took the top spot.
  • DASH came second.
  • Flexitarian took third place.

Best diets for healthy eating

  • First the Mediterranean.
  • Flexitarian, secondly.
  • DASH, third.

Best Diet Programs

  • Weight Watchers or WW took first place.
  • Second place went to the Mayo Clinic Diet, which focuses on fruits, vegetables and whole grains and helps people improve their eating habits.
  • Noom Diet, which focuses on low-calorie foods, personalized calorie ranges and coaching to achieve goals, took third place.

Best Family Friendly Diets

  • First the Mediterranean.
  • Flexitarian, secondly.
  • DASH, third.

Best Heart Healthy Diets

  • First the Mediterranean.
  • DASH, second.
  • In third place was the Ornish diet, which focused on plant-based foods, a limited number of animal products, daily exercise, and stress reduction.

Best plant-based diet

  • Flexitarians took first place.
  • Mediterranean came second.
  • Vegan came third. The focus is on plant-based foods, excluding animal foods, including dairy products.

Easiest Diets to Follow

  • First the Mediterranean.
  • Flexitarian, secondly.
  • DASH, third.

Feedback from diet plans

WebMD reached out to Herbalife, which entered the rankings for the first time, and SlimFast. Herbalife came in at number 28 along with the Dukan diet and raw foodsTh of 28 diets for the best weight loss. SlimFast, which replaced two out of three meals a day with shakes, smoothies and bars, was ranked 30th out of 33 for best overall diet.

Kent Bradley, MD, MBA, MPH, Herbalife's chief health and nutrition officer, said in a statement: “We are confident that our healthy eating and lifestyle program promotes a balanced, accessible and education-based approach to meet diversity .” Nutritional, social and cultural needs of our global consumer population in greater than 90 countries all over the world. A key to success is our community nutrition model, which provides a network of supportive resources to assist consumers set and achieve healthy, energetic lifestyles and dietary goals which are aligned with global public health standards. Our program offers convenience and a versatile meal substitute program based on dietary science and clinical studies.

“Herbalife's meal replacement strategies are evidence-based and target adequate protein intake based on lean body mass within the allowable macronutrient range for protein at approximately 30% of calories recognized by the World Health Organization as appropriate for weight management. The approach to weight control using products such as shakes, bars, soups and ready meals has been endorsed by many. …”

SlimFast declined to comment Time.

Nutritionists weigh in

The recent rankings reflect “the importance of selecting a weight loss program that’s durable, enjoyable, and meets dietary needs,” said Connie Diekman, MEd, past president of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and a food and nutrition consultant at St. Louis.

As a nutritionist, she said, she's pleased to see the Mediterranean diet at the top of the list, followed by two other sensible options, DASH and MIND. “These diets all focus on incorporating more plant-based foods as well as leaner and lower-fat animal foods, while providing enough options in each food group to accommodate a variety of dietary, cultural, and personal enjoyment perspectives.”

Overall, Diekman said, the rankings support the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the advice she gives to the consumers she advises on nutrition.

She was surprised that the keto diet took first place in the “Best Fast Weight Loss” category. She recommended consulting with a registered dietitian when following the keto plan to ensure all nutritional needs are met.

Another expert also welcomed the high rankings in view of the lifestyle diets focused on plant-based foods. “The healthiest eating habits concentrate on whole foods—mainly, but not exclusively, plants—and minimize refined grains and added sugars,” said Samantha Cassetty, RD, MS, a registered dietitian and wellness expert in New York City.

Her advice to anyone looking to start a new eating plan is to start with gradual changes. “The biggest mistake I see is that people initially get excited about lifestyle changes and then tackle too many changes at once, which is overwhelming.”

If you feel overwhelmed, “take a step back and focus on a specific goal, such as: E.g. eating fruit for breakfast four days a week or cooking three meals.” [a week] at home.” That's the very best technique to eat healthier, she said.

Her final tip: “Remember that healthy bodies come in all sizes and you don’t have to be thin to be healthy. Most people experience health benefits by losing just 5% of their body weight [excess] Body weight.”

Points to remember

It's important to tailor a diet plan to fit your lifestyle, Schueller said. “The number 1 diet may not be the number 1 diet for you.”

She suggested that individuals view the rankings as “the right place to begin” for changing their eating habits and approach to food.