"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Midday training is more useful than morning training: study

February 22, 2023 – A recent study shows that individuals who exercised at lunchtime reduced their risk of early death greater than individuals who exercised within the morning or evening.

The researchers said the findings might be used to “maximize” the advantages of every day physical activity.

The study was published this month within the magazine Nature communication. Researchers analyzed data on physical activity and deaths from 92,139 people within the United Kingdom.

The researchers found that moderate to vigorous physical activity at any time of day has a health-protective effect. The best advantages are frequently achieved with not less than 150 minutes per week. (Moderate to vigorous activity is reminiscent of not less than a brisk walk or lawn mowing.)

People who increased their activity levels between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. had a greater reduction in the danger of death from all causes than individuals who exercised within the morning or evening. The protective advantages of midday exercise continued no matter any differences in socioeconomic status, lifestyle, medical history, sleep habits, or the overall amount of moderate to vigorous activity that individuals performed.

The advantages of midday activity were much more pronounced in older people, men, less energetic individuals, and people with diagnosed heart disease. Midday exercise was particularly protective against early death from heart disease. The researchers speculated that this will likely be because cardiovascular events equivalent to heart attacks are least more likely to occur in the midst of the day.