"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

More than 4 million people in South Africa reside with diabetes – many not receiving adequate treatment.

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects how the body converts food into energy.

South Africa has been a notable. Increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes In recent years, because of changing diets. People are eating more processed foods, sugary drinks and high calorie foods.

Other aspects are lack of physical activity and high levels of obesity.

Type 2 diabetes is essentially the most common form, accounting for 90 percent of cases. With this kind, the body produces insulin but cannot use it effectively. It often affects chubby adults who've a family history of the condition.

About one in nine South African adults have diabetes, a complete of approx. 4.2 million people.

Diabetes can also be the leading explanation for death. Among women within the country.

As public health professionals and clinicians specializing in diabetes, we Researched The standard of primary care that individuals living with type 2 diabetes receive in South Africa.

We found that diabetes management is below optimal standards, putting individuals in danger for lots of the uncomfortable side effects related to diabetes.

What we found and why it matters.

We examined 479 medical records of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at 23 primary health facilities in Tshwane District, Gauteng Province.

Majority of the patients were women. Patients had been living with diabetes for a median of 5.5 years. The average age was 58 years.

When it involves diabetes management, there are goals for blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol. We used the rules set by Society for Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes South Africa for this study.

Our audit found that a major variety of patients with type 2 diabetes weren't receiving appropriate treatment.

Only 23% of patients met glucose targets. This signifies that greater than 70 percent of patients were susceptible to serious health complications.

Patients had regular clinic visits, yet experienced long periods of time Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar level).

We also found that health care providers often show Clinical inertia. In other words, they did not set goals or initiate or adjust treatment to realize those goals. They delayed starting or changing the patient's treatment plan, even when it was clear that the present plan was not working well.

Factors contributing to medical inertia include a uniform treatment approach that doesn't fit all patients, limited treatment options and an inadequate health care system.

akin to within the absence of a comprehensive monitoring system Diabetes registriesthe studies function a primary source of data on the implementation and quality of diabetes care in South Africa.

Our findings are consistent with various studies conducted across South Africa, including one about A decade ago in the same district.

A newer study of 116,726 patients Cape Town It found that three-quarters of participants had poor glycemic control because blood sugar levels weren't being well regulated.

These consistent findings highlight the extra efforts needed to beat clinical inertia to enhance diabetes care in South Africa.

High cost of poor treatment

Can cause diabetes in poorly managed patients. Serious health complicationsSuch as nerve damage, kidney problems, heart disease, stroke, vision impairment and mental health disorders.

For society as a complete, the burden of diabetes care puts a strain on the health care system and contributes to high health care costs.

There is one other consequence. Loss of productivity Due to absenteeism and even disability, which has a Economic impact on the country.

The way forward

Monitoring the standard of diabetes care and evaluating the effectiveness of treatments and therapies in clinical practice is a challenge in South Africa.

New strategies may include:

  • Adoption of individualized patient-centered management with access to a big variety of glucose-lowering drugs

  • Overcoming clinical inertia and failure to accentuate therapy when indicated

  • Building a health system that meets the needs of South Africans with diabetes.

Inadequate treatment for lots of the country's people living with diabetes has devastating consequences, not only for people and their families, but for the country's health system.