"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Poor sleep is linked to a standard reason behind blindness.

Lack of sleep is linked to many health problems, akin to weight gain, mood disorders, and even dementia. Now, a bigger study published online on November 1, 2022 BMJ Open It seems that poor sleep can also be linked to an increased risk of developing glaucoma, a number one reason behind blindness. The study involved greater than 400,000 people without glaucoma (ages 40 to 69) who were followed for 10 years. The researchers reviewed the participants' medical records and self-reported sleep habits. People who had unhealthy sleep patterns (those that snored, experienced daytime sleepiness, had insomnia, slept lower than seven hours per night, or slept greater than nine hours per night) People who had healthy sleep patterns were more prone to develop glaucoma. Those who suffered from insomnia or slept an excessive amount of or too little had the best risk of glaucoma – 13 percent higher than those without these problems. This study was observational and doesn’t conclusively prove that unhealthy sleep habits cause glaucoma. So what’s the possible link? Eye pressure increases while you lie down and when your sleep hormones are depleted (which occurs in insomnia), the study authors say. This could also be a plausible explanation for the risks of glaucoma, because the condition is attributable to increased pressure on the optic nerve, which connects the attention to the brain.

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