"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Postpartum OCD: Signs, Symptoms, and More

After giving birth, worrying thoughts may pop into your head. These thoughts may repeat steadily or grow to be progressively worse. If you’re a brand new mother, you might feel a relentless urge to be certain that your baby continues to be respiration. You could also be apprehensive that your baby will grow to be infected with a virus or other illness. You may end up washing bottles and other baby items over and all over again since you're afraid of germs. These feelings could be the results of postpartum obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

After giving birth, you’ve got to regulate to a totally latest life and cope with lots of the stresses that include it. Pregnancy and the postpartum period generally is a trigger for OCD.

The most typical thoughts that worry women with postpartum OCD are:

  • Concerns about dirt and germs
  • Make sure you don't make a mistake
  • The urge to maintain checking if the child monitor is working
  • Ensure bottles are properly sterilized

These thoughts are intrusive and make caring on your child very difficult. You don’t have any intention of harming your child, but you’re very afraid that you’re going to do it by chance.

If you're a brand new mother, you're five times more prone to develop postpartum OCD than other women. Further research has shown that as much as 70% of ladies with postpartum OCD also suffer from postpartum depression.

Studies haven’t found an actual reason behind postpartum OCD, but consider it is expounded to the hormonal and psychological changes that accompany pregnancy and childbirth. 20 percent of ladies usually tend to experience mood and anxiety symptoms during childbirth attributable to the rapid changes in hormone levels. First-time moms feel much more overwhelmed.

The two most noticeable symptoms of postpartum OCD are fear of wounding your baby and worry about germs. These worries could also be typical, temporary fears related to hormonal changes or the birth of your first child. Once these thoughts begin to interfere together with your on a regular basis functioning, they could be an indication of postpartum obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Symptoms of postpartum OCD can occur while pregnant or delivery. Most often these are unpleasant thoughts that interfere together with your normal each day functioning. Other symptoms include:

  • Keep your obsessions to yourself for fear of being diagnosed with psychosis or hospitalization
  • Compulsions designed to forestall your fears from coming true, equivalent to checking in your baby, repeating prayers, asking for reassurance, constant cleansing
  • Avoid certain activities together with your baby, equivalent to bathing, carrying him up or down stairs, and changing diapers
  • Feel overwhelmed by your obsessions and compulsions
  • Postpartum depression
  • You need a partner or helper nearby because you’re afraid of wounding your baby
  • Difficulty sleeping attributable to obsessions and compulsive urges
  • You find it difficult to handle your child

The symptoms of postpartum OCD may initially go unnoticed. You or your loved ones may not realize you’ve got OCD until months later, although symptoms can appear as early as the primary two to 3 weeks after birth.

If you’ve got thoughts which can be overwhelming you and getting in the best way of your parenting, it is best to seek advice from your doctor. Many parents struggle with similar concerns, and also you shouldn't be ashamed. Talking about your thoughts is step one to getting help. If you pass it on, you won't lose your child or get hospitalized, although that is the important concern that keeps latest moms with postnatal OCD from talking to their doctor.

Your doctor may review your medical history to evaluate your thoughts and feelings. You could also be asked to make use of a rating scale to trace symptoms and measure obsessions and compulsions.

Once diagnosed, you may begin treatment for postpartum OCD. The same methods used to treat other forms of OCD could be used for postpartum OCD. They include:

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This is essentially the most commonly advisable type of treatment. You and a psychologist discuss your obsessions. They will assist you to learn that a lot of these thoughts are normal and never dangerous. CBT will assist you to face the situations and thoughts you desired to avoid. The goal is to assist you to reduce the obsessive rituals you employ to administer your fears.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Serotonin is a hormone that plays a key role in maintaining an individual's mood and well-being. SSRIs are medications that help increase serotonin levels and reduce feelings of hysteria and doom. Most SSRIs used to treat OCD are protected to take while pregnant and breastfeeding. However, it is best to seek the advice of your doctor first.

Medication. In addition to cognitive behavioral therapy, your doctor may prescribe antidepressants. These medications are sometimes advisable as a first-line treatment for OCD.