"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Prostate cancer lives because it develops: slow-growing and benign or fast-growing and dangerous

This 12 months, greater than 238,000 American men will probably be diagnosed with prostate cancer. In most cases, the cancer consists of small nodules of abnormal cells growing slowly within the walnut-sized prostate gland. In many men, cancer cells grow so slowly that they never break free from the gland, spread to distant sites, and pose a serious threat to health and longevity.

Evidence is mounting that early treatment with surgery or radiation prevents relatively few men from ultimately dying from prostate cancer, while many have urinary or erectile problems and other uncomfortable side effects. As a result, more men could also be willing to think about a technique generally known as energetic surveillance, wherein doctors closely monitor low-risk cancers and consider treatment only once they are detected. When the disease appears to be moving dangerously towards growth and spread.

The malignancy of cancer is set early.

During the study period, fewer and fewer men were diagnosed with advanced, late-stage prostate cancer that had spread beyond the prostate gland. This reflects the increasing use of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing to diagnose prostate cancer earlier and earlier. In contrast, the proportion of high-grade cancers, as measured by the Gleason rating, remained relatively stable fairly than becoming progressively more aggressive. An analogous pattern has been observed in previous studies.

Gleason grade is top-of-the-line predictors of prostate cancer mortality. “Men with low-grade disease are much less likely to die from prostate cancer than men with advanced cancer,” Penny says. She cautions, though, that the study checked out men as a gaggle, and Gleason grades appear fairly stable on this population. “You can see growth in an individual, but we think that's unusual,” she says. “We cannot rule out this possibility in our study.”

How Active Monitoring Works

The Gleason rating is just a technique doctors monitor prostate cancer during energetic surveillance. They also do periodic follow-up biopsies and measure PSA levels, which can rise if the cancer has began to spread to the prostate. Doctors may recommend early treatment if PSA begins to rise rapidly or if a follow-up biopsy reveals the next Gleason rating or more extensive cancer inside the prostate. It is an inexact science that is dependent upon the skill and experience of the doctor and an individual's willingness to attend for signs that the cancer poses a transparent threat and the potential for uncomfortable side effects before selecting treatment.

“Some [researchers] “Believe it's impossible,” says Penny. “After a cancer diagnosis, many things can change in unknown ways.” Diet, exercise, and other lifestyle aspects, for instance, can play a job. May influence whether low-risk prostate cancers turn out to be more aggressive or dangerous over time.