"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Recognize the symptoms and learn easy methods to treat muscle dysphoria

Muscular dysmorphia (MD) is a psychopathological condition – meaning it affects your thoughts and behaviors in problematic ways. People with muscle dysmorphia are obsessive about their muscles and thinness.

People with muscle dysmorphia often imagine that their bodies are small and weak – although a lot of these persons are in very good condition and have well-developed muscles. This signifies that if you’ve got this condition, it is probably going that the thought of ​​your body in your head and the truth of your body – especially in relation to your muscles – don’t match.

Muscle dysmorphia belongs to a bigger category of disorders called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD).

All sorts of body dysmorphic disorder involve a mismatch between body image and reality and a compulsion to create an “ideal” body by correcting this perceived flaw. The foremost difference is that BDDs can involve harmful and negative thoughts about all parts of your body – including your hair, skin, nose and weight – and not only your muscles.

All BDDs – including muscle dysmorphia – are a variety of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). In these cases, all obsessive thoughts and behaviors deal with your body image.

Men are more commonly affected by muscle dysmorphia than women. It is common in athletes. Sports that involve weight and strength – resembling football, wrestling and bodybuilding – have probably the most cases of MD.

Cases of muscle dysmorphia are increasing. Around 100,000 people worldwide meet the psychological criteria for muscle dysmorphia. However, most experts agree that we’re currently underestimating the variety of cases because diagnosis is difficult.

There isn’t any clear cause for body dysmorphia normally and muscle dysmorphia specifically. However, there are quite a lot of situations related to people experiencing this condition, including:

  • Bullying or teasing in formative years
  • Low self-esteem
  • Feeling lonely and isolated from others
  • Being surrounded by unrealistic body image ideas in society and the media

There may be biological explanation why some people develop muscle dysmorphia and others don't. We need more research to find out these exact causes.

Symptoms of muscle dysmorphia typically appear within the late teens, but may occur later in life.

It is difficult to inform from their body that somebody has muscle dysmorphia because individuals with the condition are sometimes in very good condition. Instead, behavioral changes are probably the most obvious symptoms.

The exact symptoms of MD vary from individual to individual. Symptoms generally include:

  • Observe yourself within the mirror repeatedly to evaluate your body for negative characteristics or to attempt to gauge your physical performance
  • Avoid mirrors because you’ve got already chosen a negative body image
  • Strictly adhere to a strict and excessive exercise routine
  • The willingness to proceed training even when injured and in pain
  • Follow a really strict eating regimen
  • A willingness to sacrifice essential events to take care of your eating regimen and exercise regimen
  • Taking too many supplements – often greater than the advisable amount
  • Steroid use – often taking greater than the advisable amount
  • depression
  • Fear
  • Extreme social anxiety – especially amongst bodybuilders

In some cases, individuals with body dysmorphic disorder could also be so convinced that they’ll never achieve their idea of ​​a “perfect” body that they’re suicidal. If you or someone you realize is experiencing this symptom, it will be important to get medical help immediately – either by calling 911, contacting your doctor, or calling the suicide hotline.

Treatment for muscle dysmorphia often includes psychotherapy and education. The problem is getting individuals with muscle dysmorphia to grasp that they need such treatment.

In many cases, individuals with muscle dysmorphia are not looking for or cannot admit that they’ve an issue. People often reject all suggestions to get help for his or her mental health. Many people will wish to try cosmetic surgery as a substitute.

Sometimes individuals with MD grow to be defensive and offended when confronted. They may even completely withdraw from friends or relations who attempt to indicate a possible problem.

The best method to help someone you observed has some variety of body dysmorphic disorder is to maintain their well-being on the forefront and refer to them about it in a non-confrontational manner.

With therapy they will learn to:

  • The Dangers of Overtraining
  • Right nutrition
  • What counts as a healthy body image?
  • The dangers that steroids pose to mental and physical health

Cognitive behavioral therapy tends to assist individuals with muscle dysmorphia specifically. This variety of therapy teaches you to acknowledge compulsive behavior and transform it into healthier habits. It also teaches you to acknowledge negative thoughts about yourself and alter these unhelpful thought patterns.

There are also support groups that help individuals with muscle dysmorphia and other sorts of body dysmorphic disorder.