"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Resetting your circadian clock to cut back jet lag

What happens during jet lag?

An internal master clock — a cluster of 20,000 neurons within the brain just above the optic nerve — controls our circadian rhythm. In response to light and other cues from the environment, it coordinates the functions of varied body systems over a 24-hour period and regulates after we sleep and wake. As the environment changes, our internal clock uses environmental cues to slowly reset itself at a median rate of 1 hour per day. If you cross several time zones inside a number of hours, your internal clock doesn't have enough time to regulate your body to the brand new time zone.

Say you’re taking an 11-hour flight from New York City to Honolulu. Your plane departs at 6:00 AM and lands at 11:00 AM Honolulu time. Maybe you've got half a day to spend on the beach, but chances are you’ll not have the energy to enjoy it. Your body continues to be on New York time, where it's 5 p.m., so it's beginning to wind down by bedtime. It will take 5 or 6 days to your body to reach Honolulu time.

Reducing jet lag

If you could have some business trips or winter travel routes in your calendar, you may minimize the impact of crossing time zones by giving your internal clock some helpful cues. If your destination is barely a zone or two away, chances are you’ll have to make minor adjustments, corresponding to eating, going to bed, and waking up a little bit sooner than usual (should you're traveling east ) or a little bit later (should you are heading west). If you might be crossing multiple time zones, you may try the next:

  • Switch slowly before traveling. For several days before you allow, steadily move mealtimes and bedtimes closer to your destination's schedule. Even a fractional switch can assist.
  • Stay hydrated. During the flight, drink loads of fluids, but no caffeine or alcohol. Caffeine and alcohol promote dehydration, which worsens the symptoms of jet lag. They can even disrupt sleep.
  • Change your bedtime as soon as possible upon arrival. Don't go in until it's bedtime in the brand new time zone.
  • Use the sun to assist you adjust. If it’s essential to stand up early to your destination, get out within the sun early within the morning. If it’s essential to not sleep later, expose yourself to sunlight within the late afternoon.

A fast fix for jet lag?

It has been theorized that an identical mechanism may occur in humans and that a brief fast may trigger a rapid restoration of circadian rhythms. Dr. Saper recommends a 12- to 16-hour fast the day before and through the trip. For example, should you're taking a flight from New York City to Honolulu, you'll avoid eating for a number of hours before takeoff and through the flight, but eat meal as soon as possible after landing. . This technique has not been tested in clinical trials, but there are various praises of its effectiveness within the media.

If you must try it, it's idea to examine along with your healthcare team to see if fasting is true for you. And you'll still have to drink water—not caffeinated beverages, juice, or alcohol—during your flight.