"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Saturated fat consumed within the short term may not pose a risk to heart health

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People who follow a low-carb/high-fat weight-reduction plan for weight reduction often eat high amounts of saturated fat resembling meat, eggs, and cheese. But won't these foods increase the chance of heart disease? A study published online September 28, 2021 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that may not be so terrible for heart health, at the very least within the short term.

In the study, 164 obese or obese individuals followed one in every of three diets. Each weight-reduction plan comprises different proportions of carbohydrates and fat, with saturated fat accounting for 21%, 14%, and seven% of total calories. (For comparison, the American Heart Association suggests that saturated fat should make up about 6 percent of a regular 2,000-calorie every day weight-reduction plan.)

After five months, the researchers measured every person's blood for heart disease risk aspects resembling levels of cholesterol and insulin resistance. The researchers found that the outcomes for every were similar.

That's to not say that saturated fat can't have a detrimental effect on heart health, but other components of your weight-reduction plan make a difference, too. For example, all three diets were high in plant foods and fiber, and low in processed foods. Diets with 21% and 14% saturated fat also contain heart-healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.

While a plant-based weight-reduction plan is great to try, it might be difficult for individuals who want to start out dropping pounds with a low-carb, high-fat weight-reduction plan. These findings provide some reassurance that markers of cardiovascular health should not increased by eating more saturated fat over several months than in an otherwise heart-healthy weight-reduction plan. But in the long run, the harmful effects of excess saturated fat remain a priority.

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