"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Self-Care Tips for OCD – Living with OCD

Even when things are going well, OCD can hijack your day. Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior—and the anxiety that comes with them—can take up an incredible period of time and energy.

Although medication and therapy are the first technique of treating this lifelong condition, self-care is a secret weapon with many negative effects.

Food and mood. The only thing more vital than healthy food is eating it repeatedly. When you’re hungry, your blood sugar drops. This could make you moody or drained. Start with a day by day breakfast and check out to eat small meals more often as an alternative of enormous meals at lunch and dinner.

Go for:

  • Nuts and seeds which are filled with healthy nutrients
  • Proteins like eggs, beans, and meat that slowly load you up and supply higher balance
  • Complex carbohydrates resembling fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which help keep your blood sugar levels stable

Avoid caffeine, the stimulant in tea, coffee, soda and energy drinks. It can take your anxiety levels up a number of notches.

Stick to your recipes. It might be tempting to make use of drugs or alcohol to flee OCD, but they’re hidden triggers. Drinking alcohol may look like it’s relieving your anxiety, however it creates more before it leaves your system. The same goes for nicotine, the stimulant in cigarettes.

Sleep on it. Anxiety could make it difficult to sleep. But sleep is significant for good mental health. Don't expect to lie down and drift off to dreamland, but create a sleep routine that sets your body up for fulfillment. Swap time spent screens for 10 minutes of relaxing music or a warm bath. Reduce noise and light-weight and adjust the temperature in your bedroom so you’ll be able to go to sleep and stay asleep throughout the night.

To turn out to be lively. When you’re feeling fear, your body releases a hormone called cortisol. In small doses it is useful, but in large quantities it’s harmful. Regular exercise keeps your cortisol levels in check and has a positive effect on the whole lot out of your bones and organs to the numbers in your scale.

Take your medication. While it might be sensible, it is vital to take the suitable dose at the suitable time. If you forget to take it or miss a dose, this may occasionally trigger your symptoms. Talk to your doctor if negative effects are an issue or before taking anything recent, including over-the-counter medications and vitamins.

Seek support. Don't hold on to the whole lot. Help is as close as your phone or computer. Sometimes the easy act of speaking your thoughts out loud can ease anxiety and provide you with perspective. In addition to your doctor, discover a therapist, an OCD coach, or a support group to attach you with individuals who understand you.

Learn to calm down. Your body can't calm down if it doesn't understand how. Relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, a walk in nature, or drawing an image teach your body what it appears like to be calm. Try a number of to seek out what works best for you and spend half-hour a day doing them.

Celebrate victories. Learning the best way to live with OCD takes time. Like another goal, you should have successes and setbacks. Yes, it's vital to work in your OCD, however it's just as vital to take a step back and embrace the progress, big and small, that you just make along the way in which.