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Sesame added to FDA allergen labeling guidelines

January 4, 2023 – The federal government has added sesame to its list of major food allergens, which already includes milk, eggs, peanuts and other staple foods.

The change, which took effect on January 1, signifies that foods containing sesame must comply with legal requirements regarding labeling and manufacturing. It was a part of the Food Allergy Safety, Treatment, Education and Research Act, which took effect in 2021.

Sesame could cause allergic symptoms akin to coughing, vomiting, wheezing and drop in blood pressure. CNN reported.

The Food and Drug Administration has been considering adding sesame to the list of food allergens for several years.

Jason Linde of Food Allergy Research & Education told CNN that 1.6 million Americans suffer from a “life-threatening sesame allergy” and that sesame is included in dozens of ingredients but will not be at all times listed by name.

“For years, people with a life-threatening sesame allergy had to look at the back of the label, call the manufacturer and try to figure it out,” he said. “If sesame was included, it was only as a natural spice or flavor.”

The latest law “is a huge victory for the food allergy community,” Linde said.

The FDA stated: “We remind consumers that foods already in interstate commerce before 2023, including those on retail shelves, do not need to be removed from the market or relabeled to declare sesame as an allergen. Therefore, depending on their shelf life, some foods may not have allergen labeling for sesame as of the effective date. Consumers should check with the manufacturer if they are unsure whether a food contains sesame.”