"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Shothole borer beetles have began to invade Australia, but we don't have to cut down every tree that’s attacked.

Oh New insects attacking Perth's trees threatens Spread across Australia, damaging crops and native forests in addition to our urban forests. To control its spread is the federal government of Western Australia. Cutting down hundreds of established trees. But these losses could also be worthless.

Originally from Southeast Asia, the polyphagous (meaning “many eater”) shothole borer Attacked many countries.. It attacks. More than 400 species of treesincluding Crops Like apples, avocados, macadamias and mangoes. Trees grown for timber, corresponding to ash, elms and oak are also not protected. And with each latest country it invades, it threatens an increasing variety of native trees.

Australia has a plan. Eliminate this pest using one method: cutting established trees. But Borer has only been eliminated once. Isolated tropical glasshouses in cold Europe – Demonstrating the problem of elimination from large agricultural and natural ecosystems.

Achieving this worthy but difficult goal would require everyone to work together. We need a big selection of experts to completely evaluate all available control methods, and consider essentially the most appropriate time-frame for eradication. Understanding the impact of each the pest and its management will be sure that we achieve the perfect possible leads to each the short and long run.

The nature of animals

The borer probably arrived in Australia with him as a stowaway. Untreated wood And didn't discover until August 2021, when a A concerned resident of East Fremantle Noticed unusual holes within the maple trees in his backyard. now More than 80 suburbs 25 councils are affected. Fortunately, this pest has not yet been detected outside the Perth metropolitan area.

The pest borer quarantine area covers Perth's 25 local government areas.
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, CC BY-SA

The borer attacks many species of trees since it has a partner. A form of fungus. The two live in an interdependent “symbiotic” relationship.

The borer creates a Swiss cheese-like matrix of tunnels through the wood. The fungus feeds on the wood lining the tunnels because it grows, and the borer eats the fungus.

The tunnels weaken the structure of the wood, however the tree dies when the fungus attacks and stops it. Flow of water and sap between roots and leaves.

The borer's small size likely limits its natural rate of spread, nevertheless we Don't know how far it can fly.. There is a risk of human-assisted long-distance spread since the borer can survive indoors. Small pieces of wood for weeks. To make matters worse, a single woman can bore. Procreation without a partner.

Six developmental stages of a shothole borer, arranged in a circle to show the life cycle on a white background.
Life cycle of the polyphagous shot hole borer, also generally known as the Asian ambrosia beetle ().
Protasov AN, Shutterstock

Threat response in Australia

The threat to Australia could be gauged from the experience of other attack sites. As in Perth, the infestation normally starts within the cities, then spreads to the encircling countryside, attacking horticulture and forestry, including Avocado production in Israel And California And Stone fruit in South Africa. This overseas experience has informed the models. Potential effects of WA.

But the local impact is difficult to evaluate. Figs and eucalyptus should not susceptible. California and IsraelYet Figs are preferred and some eucalyptus are susceptible in WA..

gave WA-led national biosecurity response has earmarked $41 million to eradicate the borer. The funding was based on an assessment of what it should cost. But there is barely a brief window of opportunity to effectively use these resources to attain eradication.

The response includes trapping and monitoring to find out the spread of pests. greater than that 1.5 million trees on over 50,000 properties Inspections have been carried out and about 3000 traps have been set.

These traps catch flying beetles, which only fly once of their lifetime, so that they are less more likely to be caught. This makes it difficult to detect false negatives, when no beetles are trapped but beetles are present in the realm. This could be improved with substitution. Trap design And Chemical temptation.

When infected trees are present in WA the reply is “Removal of infected trees to save healthy trees“This could mean a whole lot of trees in popular public spaces corresponding to Perth Zoo, Lake Claremont, King's Park and Hyde Park Will be cut and cut.

By continuing with a control method, logging, we can be left with fewer trees, especially if the eradication campaign lasts for several years. The lack of urban tree cover could be profound, and Perth already has the lowest urban tree canopy in the country..

The results of the runoff could mean even poorer urban temperatures. human being Health.

Urban trees are also valued for his or her beauty, shade and habitat for animals. All these advantages could be assigned a Significant monetary value, which will be even higher. If intrinsic or cultural value could be added.

Battle over the shothole borer

Although whole trees have to be cut and pruned, there are Other effective control methods. Alternatives may include removal and gluing. Affected branches onlywhich could also be higher. Costs more than cutting whole treesto Injecting threatened but unaffected treesAnd slowed down Infections in trees or sprinkle Repellents on unaffected trees. In California, traps were developed into one Strategies to attract and kill To take care of the borer in avocado orchards.

The Polyphagus shot hole borer trap is planted by the OC Parks Department and the University of California at Irvine Regional Park.  A large, multi-tiered black trap with a white collection vessel at the bottom hangs from a metal pole.
The best net for the borer, developed in California, is just not getting used in Perth.
Steve Kukroff, Shutterstock

While rapid response is critical to its eradication, we want to proceed to enhance it using essentially the most effective methods available. Recommend relevant solutions from around the globe. Broader community involvementBeyond Perth, could be useful.

It is unclear what has been learned from WA's efforts up to now. Is it still there? It is possible to completely eliminate pests.? We need more experts to review and advise on this response because it continues.

Choosing the right answer can be essential. Just consider other threat attackers corresponding to Red import Fire ant, bee varroa mite, and Myrtle rust

As the borer has only been detected in Perth, the window of opportunity is now open. Let's be certain that we have now the perfect plan of attack so we are able to get the finish.

Australians take pride in working together to get things done. If all of us come together and take care of this pest attack quickly, the whole nation will profit.