"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Stretching Studios: Do You Need What They Offer?

Boutique or specialty fitness studios offer all kinds of exercise, akin to strength training, indoor cycling, and kickboxing. Other popular options, like yoga and Pilates, are less prone to leave you sweating and out of breath, emphasizing flexibility and measured movement. Now a brand new trend has emerged: studios that focus entirely on drawing. What are these studios offering, and can you benefit from this focus?

What does Stretch Studios offer?

These studios, including StretchLab, StretchMed, LYMBYR, and others, provide supportive stretching sessions, either one-on-one or in small groups. Promised advantages range from reasonable goals of accelerating flexibility and range of motion to more questionable claims, akin to stopping injuries and eliminating chronic pain.

But in case your focus is on improving your overall health, there's a serious lack of evidence to support stretching — especially in comparison with the wealth of evidence supporting the advantages of standard, moderate physical activity.

“Contrary to popular belief, there is no consistent evidence that stretching helps prevent injuries,” says Dr. Tanford. And if you will have an existing injury, akin to a muscle or joint sprain, aggressively stretching that tissue can actually make the injury worse.

“Stretch therapists” and “flexologists” at stretching studios could have some certifications and training, but they will not be qualified to acknowledge and address health-related causes of pain or stiffness. If you will have a past or current muscle injury, you’re significantly better off seeing a physical therapist who has the talents and training to properly treat you.

Feeling tight and stiff?

If you're injury-free but just feel tight and stiff, try a yoga class, which may provide additional advantages like improving your balance and helping you calm down and de-stress. Or consider tai chi, a mild, meditative type of exercise that may also help lower blood pressure and improve balance. Another option is to get a massage.

If you choose to try the assisted stretching offered on the studio, take heed to your body, and be sure that to debate the way you're feeling with the therapist working on you, advises Dr. Tanford.

But you'll do more in your overall health by spending that point taking a brisk walk or another type of exercise as a substitute. Most Americans don’t meet the federal advice Guidelines for physical activityThis requires 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise and muscle-strengthening activities twice per week. “As doctors, we're dealing more with diseases of inactivity, not diseases of flexibility,” says Dr. Tanford.

Do you ought to do stretching at home?

Three easy morning exercises — arm sweeps, back bends, and the ABC routine of chair pose — may also help ease morning stiffness. It also works well in the course of the day for those who spend loads of time sitting.

Drawing at home can save you time and money. These suggestions can make it easier to get essentially the most out of morning stretches or other flexibility routines at home.

  • Warm up the muscles first. Like taffy, muscles expand more easily when warm.
  • Pain shouldn’t be felt. Stretch only to the purpose of mild tension, never to the purpose of pain.
  • Focus on posture and good form. Posture counts whether you’re sitting, standing, or moving. Stretch photos only tell a part of the story, so read the instructions fastidiously to get the shape right.
  • Focus on stretching the muscles. One side of your body is commonly stiffer than the opposite. Work on balancing it over time.
  • respiratory. Instead of holding your breath, take a deep breath.
  • Practice often. You'll get the very best flexibility advantages for those who stretch steadily—each day, or most days of the week. At the very least, attempt to stretch two or thrice per week.