"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Symptoms, risks, causes and treatment

Some individuals are naturally quiet and don't say much. But if you’ve gotten a serious mental illness, a brain injury or dementia, speaking will be difficult. This lack of conversation is known as alogia, or “poverty of language.”

Alogy can affect your quality of life. If you may't proceed a conversation, it’s possible you’ll withdraw from family and friends. Or you may't work. But with the assistance of a health care provider, there are methods to get this condition under control.

Alogy is commonly related to schizophrenia. It is taken into account a negative (and sometimes early) symptom of schizophrenia. It is negative since it takes away your ability to do something.

If you’ve gotten alogy, you can:

  • Take a protracted pause between words
  • Give short or one-word answers
  • Only answer what someone asks you
  • Have a flat tone in your voice
  • Have a boring facial features
  • Use limited sign language (for those who can't hear)

Negative symptoms often occur before a more serious psychotic breakdown. Prompt treatment can show you how to get the condition higher under control. If your child or loved one has alogy, they might not comprehend it. You may have to assist them discuss with a health care provider.

Between 15 and 30% of individuals with schizophrenia have negative symptoms. They may occur 1-3 years before behaviors reminiscent of delusions.

Experts don't know the way lots of these people will suffer from alogy. However, it’s less common than a number of the other symptoms.

You could also be given Alogia if you’ve gotten a serious mental illness reminiscent of bipolar disorder or major depression. Neurological problems brought on by traumatic brain injury, dementia or Alzheimer's disease also can result in alogy.

Experts aren't sure, but they think it has something to do with how your brain receives information from long-term memories. Words and their meanings are stored there. Parts of your brain can have trouble “talking” to one another. However, more research is required to search out out exactly what is occurring.

Your speech problems could also be brought on by other causes reminiscent of psychosis or anxiety. This is known as secondary alogy. For example, it’s possible you’ll not speak since you hear voices telling you not to talk. Or it’s possible you’ll not speak because you are feeling nervous or paranoid around other people. In general, social situations could make alogy worse. That's because it might be difficult to think when there's quite a bit happening. You may end up talking less if you find yourself stressed and your brain is overwhelmed.

Researchers are working on drugs specifically for Alogia. Currently, essentially the most effective treatments include a combination of medication and psychosocial therapy. These can include:

Medication. Your doctor will likely prescribe a drugs generally known as a second-generation antipsychotic. They might want you to try an antidepressant. Experts don't know whether these drugs directly treat alogy. But your speech may improve as primary symptoms reminiscent of depression or delusions disappear.

Psychosocial treatment. Your alogy may improve for those who get assist in other areas of your life. Talk therapy or other types of therapy, social skills training and family education will be helpful.

Speech therapy. Dementia could cause problems in your brain that make it difficult to search out words. This is known as anomie. It can be difficult to process complete sentences. A speech therapist may help.