"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Take a tip for higher memory.

We all have those so-called senior moments. You know an individual, but try as you may, you possibly can't remember their name. Or, during a conversation, you already know what you wish to say but can't find the correct words to precise your thought. Or you don't remember anything you learned recently.

Brain changes

The brain's ability to simply recall information weakens with age. “The brain changes and declines like any other part of the body,” Chu says.

The average weight and volume of the brain shrinks by about 5% per decade after the age of 40. After the age of 70, the speed of shrinkage increases. Over time, the variety of neurotransmitters – messenger molecules that carry signals between brain cells – decreases in number and becomes less effective. “All of these can slow down your brain's processing speed,” says Chu.

Decreased levels of hormones, resembling androgens (which give men their masculine characteristics) and serotonin may also affect memory. Yet one other contributor to poor recall is a straightforward lack of memory practice. “You can rely heavily on your spouse to fill in the blanks, so you don't have to work to recall the information you need,” says Chu.

That doesn't mean you possibly can't improve your memorization skills. Certain conditions and habits — resembling stress, depression, unhealthy food plan, insomnia, lack of exercise, and prolonged isolation — can contribute to blockages. “All of these are linked to memory loss, and addressing them first can help overall brain function, increase hormone levels and improve memory,” says Chu.

giving hints

When situations arise where you struggle to retrieve information, try cueing, a way that “cues” your brain what you wish to recall, resembling a stage director. But whispers to an actor. Here are three cueing strategies you possibly can try.

Make associations. When you learn something recent, you immediately connect it to something you already know. A robust association can increase the brain's ability to recollect it later. For example, when meeting someone, attempt to associate the name with something personal, resembling the person's appearance, job, background, hobbies or spouse.

You may also remember names by matching them with names. For example, should you meet someone named Larry Anderson, you may associate LA with the acronym for Los Angeles, which you might be already conversant in. Or provide you with a catchy rhyme for the name.

Association also works for more complex information, resembling sequences of numbers. Instead of trying to recollect the number 221035, break it into parts and match each to a memory cue. For example, 22 may remind you of a book. Catch 22and 10 may very well be your home number, while 35 was your age when your oldest child was born.

Look, take away, connect. This technique is about being attentive within the moment of learning something recent after which using visualization to bolster the memory. “See” refers to specializing in what you wish to remember. “Snap” means to take a mental picture of knowledge. “Connect” involves linking image and knowledge.

For example, suppose it’s good to keep in mind that you parked in section 3B of a parking garage. First, deal with crucial information—Section 3B (“Look”). Next, create a mental picture – say, three bumblebees (“snap”). Next, associate the image with the data (“connect”) by imagining the sound of bees buzzing around your automotive. When you later wonder, “Where did I park my car?” Your brain will likely call up the image, and also you'll remember 3B.

Retrieving words and memories. When you're looking for the correct word or memory during a conversation, the pause gives your brain overtime to send the essential signals. “This can help your brain focus on just getting that information,” says Chu.

Another communication strategy is to go in the other way: drop the mental block and keep talking. As you proceed to talk, you give your brain time to look for information. “Another option is to start spelling out the word or information you're looking for, which can help your brain find the message you want to convey,” says Chu. say

When you possibly can't find the correct word while speaking, try using a word with the identical meaning. For example, if you wish to describe something as “fantastic” but hit a mental block, as an alternative of forcing it, aim for a well-known term that also captures your perspective. meet, resembling “great,” “amazing” or “wonderful.”

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