"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

The national plan goals to strengthen the fight against Alzheimer's.

Like a strong tidal wave, the Alzheimer's epidemic is anticipated to finish in 2050. Currently, an estimated 16 million Americans could also be living with this mental illness. (About 5.4 million Americans have It is the name of a mental disease today.) In an effort to stop the explosion, President Obama signed into law National Alzheimer's Project Act.

This ambitious project goals to attack Alzheimer's on several fronts.

Improving early diagnosis. The brain changes that result in Alzheimer's disease may begin years before memory loss and other problems appear. Early diagnosis may help families plan higher for the longer term, and might be especially necessary if higher treatments can be found.

Finding effective prevention and treatment strategies. Today's treatments only relieve symptoms for a short while. No one can prevent or stop Alzheimer's-related mental decline. New treatments which might be more durable could be an enormous boon for current and future Alzheimer's patients.

Providing more family support. Spouses and adult children are the first caregivers for many individuals with Alzheimer's disease. The each day challenges of caring for somebody with Alzheimer's might be overwhelming. Many caregivers haven’t any training and don't know what resources can be found to them. The project will provide higher education and support to caregivers.

A newly released Draft planThat, which a panel of experts is reviewing this week, sets a 2025 deadline for achieving those and other goals. A significant drawback – the act doesn’t provide concrete details on how you can fund the research and implementation efforts needed to satisfy the goals.

Although organizations like Alzheimer's Association Cheered on the act, some experts are skeptical. “Although bringing attention to the disease is always helpful, I worry that efforts like this are mostly window dressing,” said Dr. Sam Gandy, a professor of Alzheimer's disease research at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. Health Day. “There aren’t any funds attached, and no basic scientists on the panel. I don't see how they will seriously discuss treatment without basic science input. I might also say that 2025 is the best way, There is just too much hope.