"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Thousands of individuals are undiagnosed – here's what that you must know concerning the virus.

Request a hepatitis C test has increased In Britain after the publication of Investigation of infected blood Results in May 2024. According to the BBC, “1,750 people in the UK are living with an undiagnosed hepatitis C infection after a transfusion with contaminated blood.” Globally, hundreds are unknowingly living with the virus.

So what is that this infection, how do if you’ve it – and what are you able to do about it?

What is Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is a form of blood-borne virus that targets the liver, causing inflammation and liver damage if left untreated. It spreads between people through blood-to-blood contact. In the cases covered by the infected blood inquiry, the infection occurred since the patients received therapeutic products created from the blood of people that had the virus.

In other cases, the infection may be spread through current or previous IV use or – normally in places where hepatitis C could be very common, equivalent to Parts of South Asia – from coming into contact with contaminated blood during medical or cosmetic procedures. Baby boomers – people born between 1945 and 1965 – are Higher rate Hepatitis C infection (affects 1 in 30 within the US) as a consequence of blood transfusions and medical procedures performed before the invention of the virus.

Globally, roughly 50 million individuals are living with hepatitis C. 1 million New infections occur every yr. In some people, Long term infection It can result in scarring of the liver (cirrhosis) after which liver failure and liver cancer, which is answerable for 1 / 4 of 1,000,000 deaths annually.

“Transfusion hepatitis”—inflammation of the liver after an individual receives a blood transfusion—was described in 1969, nevertheless it wasn't hepatitis C until 1989. First the identitya discovery that led to the 2020 Nobel Prize In medicine

Until 1991, blood donations were routinely screened for the virus within the UK. However, tens of hundreds of individuals had received hepatitis C-contaminated blood products before that date. These many develop long-term infections and Thousands of Going to die of liver disease.

What are the symptoms of hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is frequently a silent infection. At the time of infection, people may experience mild viral symptoms equivalent to fatigue and muscle aches. Occasionally, it may possibly cause jaundice – yellowing of the eyes and skin. However, most individuals don’t have any symptoms.

The immune system will naturally clear the virus in three out of ten people. But for everybody else it becomes a long-term infection that typically doesn't go away without treatment. After about 20 years of infection, many individuals develop liver disease.

People with long-term hepatitis C infection may not experience any symptoms and should be completely unaware that they’ve the virus. nevertheless, Vague symptoms Symptoms equivalent to fatigue, muscle aches and “brain fog” are commonly reported. Brain fog occurs when people have difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness or lack of mental clarity.

People with long-term hepatitis C infection may experience mood changes, depression, and anxiety. Only when the liver begins to fail do symptoms turn out to be noticeable, including jaundice, swelling with fluid, confusion and vomiting blood.

How can hepatitis C be treated?

Although we’ve only known about this virus for lower than 40 years, several highly effective treatments have already been developed and are widely available. Early treatments involved long courses of injections with many unwanted effects and little likelihood of cure. The first pill treatment was licensed in 2013 and a number of other others hit the market soon after.

These treatments are secure and have few unwanted effects. Currently, eight to 12-week treatment courses are used worldwide. Near 100% cure rate, no matter whether the person already has liver damage. In other words, once identified, it is rarely too late to treat hepatitis C. After treatment, symptoms go away and even in individuals with liver scarring, the liver can regenerate and heal.

Advances in treatment have been so good that the World Health Organization declared that a Global Strategy for Hepatitis EliminationThe goal is to cut back recent infections by 90 percent and deaths by 65 percent by 2030. United Kingdom is ahead of the curve with Anticipated termination Hepatitis C by 2025

Once the virus is found, it may possibly be treated. The challenge stays to discover those that have no idea they’ve the virus. As a part of the country's eradication strategy, the UK government has made free confidential hepatitis C tests available at home. If you ought to know more about hepatitis C and the best way to get tested. Get tested for hepatitis C. website