"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Toxic person: signs to look out for

If you realize someone who's difficult and causes numerous conflict in your life, chances are you'll be coping with a toxic person. These people could cause numerous stress and inconvenience to you and others, not to say emotional and even physical pain.

A toxic person is anyone whose behavior brings negativity and excitement into your life. Often toxic people struggle with their very own stress and trauma. To achieve this, they behave in ways in which don't portray them in the very best light and frequently upset others along the best way.

Toxicity in humans shouldn't be considered a mental disorder. However, there might be underlying psychological issues that cause someone to behave in toxic ways, including a personality disorder.

Here are some warning signs to look out for should you think you're coping with one toxic person:

  • You feel like you might be being manipulated into doing something you don't need to do.
  • The person's behavior continuously confuses you.
  • You feel such as you deserve an apology that never comes.
  • You at all times should defend yourself against this person.
  • You never feel completely comfortable around them.
  • You continuously feel bad round her.

If you've gotten experienced these feelings around someone, they could be toxic. If you continuously experience such emotions, chances are you'll want to vary the connection or end the connection altogether.

Just as there are signs of being around a toxic person due to how that person evokes feelings, there are also signs inside the person themselves that highlight their toxicity.

The most typical signs include:


Part of being human is having ups and downs, good times and bad times. But a toxic person is nearly never consistent. Their behavior is unpredictable. They don't keep their commitments or guarantees. You never know what they are going to do next. Such inconsistency may be very difficult once you're attempting to be there for somebody. They could be enthusiastic about you one minute and write you off the following.

They at all times need your attention

Have you noticed that the person at all times needs something from you? Whether it's constant calls, text messages, or showing up at your door, they at all times need emotional support. And they probably won't support you in return. They take every little thing you've gotten without giving much in return. They have a heightened level of self-interest and a must flaunt their very own greatness to receive validation. This could be related to narcissistic personality disorder.

There is at all times drama

Have you ever noticed that some individuals are haunted by drama? It's probably not a coincidence. Toxic people thrive in dramatic situations. They fire up emotions and create conflict. They like to stir the pot to see what happens. People are sometimes toxic because they've no real interest in being stable healthy in relationships.

They don't respect your boundaries

Another sign of a toxic person is a scarcity of boundaries. If you've clearly expressed what it's good to someone over and yet again they usually just can't help but respect you, they're toxic. Healthy relationships are based on trust and the power to respect boundaries. Toxic people just can't do this.

They manipulate others for what they need

Do you are feeling taken advantage of? Manipulated? Toxic people love to control those around them to get what they need. This means lying, distorting the reality, exaggerating, or omitting information with a view to make you're taking a certain motion or have a certain opinion about it. They will do whatever it takes, even when it means hurting people.

They abuse substances

Another toxic behavior is the abuse of drugs reminiscent of drugs and alcohol. These behaviors turn out to be toxic when the person continually causes harm to other people, let alone themselves.

Now that you realize the signs of a toxic person, each in your feelings and their behavior, chances are you'll still not know what to do about it. Here are some strategies to try:

Confront her

As soon as you notice toxic behaviors, confront the person. Report any lies or inconsistencies. Tell them you don't appreciate their behavior. This shows them that you just are being attentive – and provides them a probability to clarify themselves or apologize.

Set stricter boundaries

If you will need to have a toxic person in your life, try setting stricter boundaries. For example, if someone is abusing drugs and harming you or others, allow them to know that you'll only see them after they are sober. Make it clear that you'll not tolerate their overly dramatic behavior or spreading rumors about others. Limit the time you spend with them until they will change.

Cut them out of your life

If the above strategies don't work and cause more pain, abuse, or dishonesty, it's time to let the toxic person go. Sometimes there may be nothing left to do but arise for yourself and move on.