"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Uncontrolled hypertension or diabetes is related to serious consequences of COVID-19.

Here's one other incentive for individuals with hypertension or diabetes to lower their numbers: A study of about 1.5 million people within the United States showed that before getting COVID-19, high Uncontrolled blood pressure or diabetes sharply increases the chance of complications from COVID-19. The researchers assessed the participants' health before and in the course of the period (March 2020 to February 2022) of developing COVID. Compared with those whose blood pressure was best controlled before the attack, those whose blood pressure was best controlled were about 30 percent more more likely to need hospitalization or intensive care. And the percentages of being on a ventilator were 32 percent higher. Among diabetics, those with very poor blood sugar control before Covid-19 were about 61% more more likely to be hospitalized, 42% more more likely to have complications, 12% more likely were on a ventilator, and 18% had higher odds. of dying, in comparison with those whose blood sugar was well controlled. The study was published online on October 18, 2023. Journal of the American Heart Association, was observational and doesn’t prove that controlling diabetes and hypertension protects against complications of COVID. But we do know needless to say that controlling these conditions also reduces the risks of heart or kidney disease and premature death—and for good reason.

Photo: © Half Point Images/Getty Images

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