"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Want a stronger cover? Abandon the sit-in.

Setups once ruled because the approach to firm abs and a slim waist. While the “thrones” were just floors. Now plank exercises, wherein you assume a position and hold it, are the gold standard to your core work. While classic sit-ups and crunches have fallen out of favor.

Why placards on sit-ins?

One reason is that sitting is tough in your back. They push your arched spine against the ground and work your hip flexors, the muscles that run from the thighs to the spine within the lower back. When the hip flexors are too strong or too tight, they pull on the lower spine, which may cause lower back pain.

In addition, plank exercises recruit a greater balance of muscles within the front, sides, and back of the body than sit-ups, which goal only just a few muscles.

Finally, activities of day by day living corresponding to bathing, getting off the bed, or walking, in addition to sports and recreational activities, invite your muscles to work together, not in isolation. While sit-ups or crunches only strengthen just a few muscle groups. Through dynamic movement patterns, an excellent core workout like plank exercises helps strengthen your complete set of core muscles you employ on daily basis, providing you with a stronger and more balanced body.

Photo: Johnny Gregg/Getty Images