"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Want to live longer and higher? Do strength training.

Regular physical activity promotes general good health, reduces the chance of developing many diseases, and helps you reside an extended and healthier life. For a lot of us, “exercise” means walking, jogging, treadmill work, or other activities that get the guts pumping.

But the importance of strength-building exercises is commonly neglected. Once you reach your 50s and beyond, strength (or resistance) training is important to preserve the power to perform probably the most common activities of day by day living—and to take care of an lively and independent lifestyle. is essential for

What is strength training?

Strength training involves any of the next:

  • Free weightsresembling barbells and dumbbells
  • Ankle cuffs and vests Contains different amounts of weight.
  • Resistance band (flexible) of various length and tension that you simply bend using your legs and arms.
  • Exercises that use you. Body weight To create resistance to gravity.

How much do you would like?

A beginner's strength-building workout takes lower than 20 minutes, and also you won't need to stare, press, or sweat like a cartoon bodybuilder. The secret is to develop a well-rounded program, perform the exercises with good form, and be consistent. You will experience significant gains in strength inside 4 to eight weeks.

to start

Buying your personal equipment is an option. A set of basic introductory weight dumbbells costs $50-$100. Health clubs offer probably the most equipment selections, but in fact, you’ve gotten to pay a monthly fee. Books and videos can enable you to learn some basic moves and develop a routine. Many senior centers and adult education schemes also offer strength training classes.

However you begin, go slow so that you don't injure yourself. Discuss your latest exercise plan along with your doctor and explain the extent of exercise you expect. Mild to moderate muscle soreness is normal between workouts, but returns if it persists for greater than just a few days.

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