"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

What is it, what causes it and the way is it treated?

Pyromania is a type of impulse control disorder characterised by an inability to withstand starting fires. People with pyromania know that setting fires is harmful. But lighting a hearth is the one strategy to release built-up tension, fear or excitement. They feel satisfaction or relief after starting a hearth.

Pyromania belongs to a bunch of disorders called disorder, impulse control disorder, and conduct disorder. These disorders cause people to react aggressively towards people or property.

If you suffer from any of those disorders, you could find it difficult to manage your emotions and behavior. This happens to everyone occasionally. But in individuals with considered one of these disorders, the behavior is:

  • Lasts an extended time
  • Happens often
  • Happens in several situations
  • Causes significant problems

Several aspects increase your risk of developing impulse control disorder or conduct disorder, including:

  • mistreatment
  • Sexual abuse
  • Tough upbringing
  • Parents with a history of addiction
  • Parents who’ve had problems with law enforcement previously

The diagnosis of pyromania is determined by the the reason why someone sets a hearth. It is essential to differentiate between different motives. Lighting fires is taken into account behavior and never a disorder. Not everyone who sets fires is committing against the law.

Arson is against the law, but most arsonists don’t have pyromania. Pyromania is a psychiatric disorder.

To make a diagnosis of pyromania, the next symptoms have to be present:

  • More than once intentionally and intentionally starting a hearth
  • Feel tense or energized before starting a hearth
  • I’m drawn to and obsessive about fire and the whole lot related to it
  • Feeling joy, relief, or satisfaction when setting fires, seeing fires, or participating within the aftermath of fires
  • Fire starting can’t be explained by one other psychiatric disorder

Pyromania could be very rare. In a study of 90 individuals who committed arson greater than once, only three met the factors for pyromania. People who set fires for the next reasons often don’t suffer from pyromania:

  • monetary gain
  • Political opinions
  • To hide against the law
  • To improve a living situation
  • Delusions
  • Hallucinations
  • Impaired judgment, e.g. B. under the influence of medication or alcohol

It shouldn’t be known exactly what causes pyromania. It is believed to be related to at least one or more of the next issues.

Other psychiatric disorders. People with pyromania often produce other psychiatric problems. These can include anxiety, substance abuse, addiction, depression, attention deficit disorder, mood disorders, or learning difficulties.

Inheritance. Pyromania is a sort of impulse control disorder. These varieties of disorders appear to have a genetic component. People with impulse control disorders equivalent to pyromania usually tend to have relatives with psychiatric illnesses.‌

Brain chemicals. Your brain produces chemicals that control how you think that, act and feel. People with chemical imbalances within the brain could also be more at risk of pyromania.

Stress aspects. Pyromania could be related to stressful events equivalent to a serious loss or child abuse. ‌

Triggers. Sometimes triggers, like a thought or a drug, could cause changes in your brain chemicals. This may cause you to associate lighting a hearth with feeling.

Pyromania could be very rare. It has not been studied as extensively as other diseases. Pyromania has been related to:

  • To be male
  • Below average intelligence
  • Have a mood disorder
  • Being abused as a baby
  • I suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • Family stress

No clinical trials have been conducted on medications to treat pyromania. Your doctor may prescribe medication to treat your pyromania. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be used to treat pyromania. Cognitive behavioral therapy may include:

  • Identifying the reason behind the impulse
  • Correct or eliminate the behavior
  • Changing behavior or impulse
  • Replace the old habit with a more suitable one
  • Find effective coping methods
  • Self-monitoring
  • Use a buddy system in dangerous situations
  • Parent training
  • Training problem-solving skills
  • Relaxation training
  • Thinking about negative consequences
  • Fire protection and prevention
  • Family therapy
  • Individual therapy