"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

What it’s and the way to do it

Positive considering or an optimistic attitude is the practice of specializing in the nice in a given situation. It can have a huge impact in your physical and mental health. This doesn't mean you ignore reality or trivialize problems. It simply signifies that you approach the nice and the bad in life with the expectation that the whole lot will work out.

Many studies have examined the role of optimism and positive considering on mental and physical health. It's not all the time clear what comes first: the mindset or these advantages. But there isn’t any downside to remaining optimistic.

Some physical advantages may include:

Mental advantages may include:

  • More creativity
  • Greater problem-solving ability
  • Clearer considering
  • Better mood
  • Better coping skills
  • Less depression

When people in a single study were exposed to flu and colds, those with positive attitudes were less more likely to get sick and reported fewer symptoms.

In one other study, more optimistic women were less more likely to die from cancer, heart disease, stroke, respiratory disease and infections.

And in a study of individuals over 50, those that had more positive thoughts about aging lived longer. They also had less stress-related inflammation, showing a possible link between their thoughts and their health.

People with a positive attitude could also be more more likely to lead a healthy lifestyle because they’re more hopeful concerning the future. But the researchers took this under consideration and the outcomes stuck.

This all sounds great, right? But what for those who are naturally more pessimistic and are inclined to expect the worst? No worries. It could be helpful to view this positive considering as a skill you’ll be able to learn and profit from, reasonably than a personality trait you either have or don't have.

There are also studies on this. In one experiment, adults who meditated on positive thoughts every day began to experience more positive feelings every day.

Other studies have shown that positive considering helps people deal with illness and relieve depression, no matter whether or not they are naturally optimistic or pessimistic.

Before putting positive considering into practice, concentrate to any negative thoughts that could be running through your mind. These include:

A nasty filter. Do you overlook the nice things a couple of situation and get caught up within the negatives? For example, you enjoy a leisurely dinner with friends, but at the tip of the evening the restaurant receives an incorrect bill. You leave upset and frustrated, forgetting the nice time you had.

Take the blame. Do you are inclined to take the blame for something bad or disappointing? For example, if a friend declines an invite from you, assume that they don't wish to spend time with you.

Predict disaster. This means you’ve a setback after which expect the worst to occur. For example, your automotive won't start within the morning and you think that the remaining of your day is doomed.

Black and white considering. Do you see things as either good or bad, with no middle ground? In this mindset, if things aren't perfect, they're robotically bad.

When you notice a negative thought, attempt to stop it and shift your focus to the positive. Think concerning the situation rationally. If it helps you let go, you’ll be able to give yourself and people around you grace. (You can still hold them accountable for his or her actions.)

Your negative thoughts won't disappear overnight. But with practice, you’ll be able to develop a more positive attitude. Remember, don't overlook the facts. They only include those that are good.

Once you've got the negative considering under control, it's time to spotlight the positive. To do that, try the next options:

Smile more. In one study, individuals who smiled (and even faked a smile) during a stressful task felt more positive afterwards than those that wore a neutral facial features. However, you’ll profit more if the smile is real. So search for humor and spend time with people or things that make you laugh.

Reframe your situation. When something bad happens that’s beyond your control, try to understand the nice side of the situation as an alternative of getting upset. For example, as an alternative of worrying about traffic jams, remember how convenient it’s to have a automotive. Use the time you're behind the wheel to hearken to music or a program you want.

Keep a gratitude journal. This may sound cheesy, but sitting down every single day or week to write down down the belongings you are grateful for forces you to concentrate to the nice in your life. One study found that folks who kept gratitude journals felt more grateful, positive, and optimistic concerning the future. You also slept higher.

Imagine your very best future. Think intimately a couple of shiny vision to your future – profession, relationships, health, hobbies – and write it down. According to research, while you imagine your life going well, you might be happier in the current.

Focus in your strengths. Every day for every week, take into consideration considered one of your personal strengths, equivalent to kindness, organization, discipline or creativity. Write down how you prefer to to make use of this power in latest ways in which day. Then act accordingly. People in a single study who did this increased their happiness and reduced their depression symptoms at the tip of the week. Six months later, these advantages were still strong.

With practice, you’ll be able to add more positive thoughts to your life and revel in the advantages that optimism brings.