"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

What you must know in regards to the super snack

February 26, 2024 – For those nuts about nuts, there's some excellent news: It seems that certain species – more specifically tree nuts – might be a serious key to reversing several risk aspects for something called metabolic syndrome.

These risk aspects for metabolic syndrome include high blood sugar levels, unhealthy levels of bad fats (triglycerides), low blood levels of “good cholesterol” (HDL), and a big waist circumference. When combined, they will result in heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

The connection between our eating regimen and disease risk isn't exactly recent: Researchers and doctors have long known that eating regimen and lifestyle are crucial to disease prevention, especially in relation to conditions that affect heart health. However, it seems that replacing fatty, salty, and sugary snacks with raw or dry-roasted tree nuts (hazelnuts, cashews, pecans, pistachios, pecans, walnuts, macadamia, and almonds) may alter risk aspects for metabolic syndrome. In addition, these changes occur in a comparatively short time period, especially in young adults between the ages of twenty-two and 39, in accordance with a Recent study.

“Compared to adults who ate only carbohydrate snacks (unsalted pretzels, graham crackers, animal crackers, and cereal/granola bars), women who ate tree nuts decreased waist circumference without any increase in physical activity or calorie intake changed. The men experienced a greater change in their blood insulin levels,” said Heidi Silver, RD, PhD, study co-author and professor of medication at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville.

“Overall, both men and women had a decrease in their total metabolic syndrome score and a lower risk,” she noted, explaining that the ends in each groups were primarily attributable to increased intake of unsaturated fats in comparison with saturated fats.

“We have the ability to oxidize unsaturated fat more quickly and completely than saturated fat, meaning when we oxidize it, we don't store it,” Silver said.

Life changes, dietary changes

Risk aspects for metabolic syndrome have long been considered an issue in older fairly than younger adults. But today's statistics reveal a stark reality: Metabolic syndrome is now only a minor concern more than 1 in 5 People between the ages of 20 and 39.

“We often see patients when they develop heart disease,” said Dr. Sadiya Khan, a preventive cardiologist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago. “But we really want to emphasize the importance of prevention when lifelong habits are formed and reinforced and when many life changes occur.”

Khan pointed to many things in young maturity that increase this risk, including diabetes while pregnant (Gestational diabetes). She explained that although gestational diabetes was once considered an isolated case, an increasing number of individuals are developing it: not only does it affect 10% of pregnant women, but it surely also increases the danger of developing full-blown diabetes tenfold inside a decade . The risk often extends to partners who, along with parenthood, are combating the varied life changes that include early maturity.

“It's the really important transitions in life—going to college, leaving the nest, having children—that form heart-healthy habits,” Khan said.

“Intervention needs to start early,” agreed Julia Zumpano, a registered dietitian on the Center for Human Nutrition on the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. Zumpano, who focuses on heart disease, explained that while young adults should not traditionally targeted, “I think that no matter how young you are, you should eat nuts and monounsaturated fats; you should eat nuts and monounsaturated fats.” There is an effect on the age of 20, and it’s remarkable in such a short while.”

said Dan Cummins, a 36-year-old former Army combat veteranthat he had gained almost 200 kilos after leaving the military.

“It was stress and reactive eating due to life situations,” he remembers. As a self-confessed “non-cook,” Cummins explained that it has turn into easier to “order a pizza or grab some fast food or a bag of chips.” Today, Cummins has lost nearly 80 kilos, but more importantly, he said his Type 2 diabetes is under control and blood sugar levels have dropped by greater than half. He said several things led him to make these changes: coping with mental health issues, in search of help from Zumpano and crazy things.

“I have a bag of pistachios and almonds at my house and I have two bags of walnuts at work,” he said. “It’s easy to have on hand; I don’t have to do anything and there’s no prep work, so there are no excuses.”

Nuts “fill the stomach,” he said.

Luckily for Kelsey Lovik, a 30-year-old social work master's student at Western Washington University in Bellingham, her love affair with nuts began as a toddler.

“I spent a lot of time with my grandparents and they always had happy hour. I couldn't drink cocktails (they made her a Shirley Temple), so I sat there and ate the bowl of nuts that was on the table.”

Today this healthy habit remains.

“It's a matter of convenience,” says Lovik, who also encourages her children to eat nuts. “They're pretty easy to get and it's the best snack you possibly can have.”

“They don’t need to be heated or kept cold. When I'm between meals or in the 3 a.m. lull at work, I reach for a small bag of cashews,” she said.

Count nuts, not calories

Nuts have long had a bad reputation because they are high in calories. But they are also full of nutrients.

“There's this myth about consuming nuts and the potential for weight gain,” Silver said. “When we compare them to typical snacks, we not only get a better fat profile with more unsaturated fats, but also a rich source of proteins, fiber, certain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. “So another potential benefit is that consuming nuts could improve overall diet quality.”

Are you ready to modify from chips to nuts? There are just a few things to think about. Grab quite a lot of raw or dry-roasted tree nuts and browse the label to be certain they don't contain added oils or sugars. Unsalted nuts are preferable. Nut butter is high quality so long as it doesn't contain other oils that might alter its fatty acid profile.

Finally, “the most important thing is to make sure you don't try to binge on nuts, but instead eat a small handful to keep your diet balanced,” advises Khan.

Corrections: An earlier version of this story stated incorrectly Kelsey Lovik is a graduate student at Western Washington University. She is a master's student in social work. Additionally, Vanderbilt University Medical Center is positioned in Nashville, not Chattanooga, TN.