"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Will Brisk Walking Lower Your Diabetes Risk?

A study published online November 28, 2023 British Journal of Sports Medicine suggests that increasing your each day walking speed – the faster, the higher – is linked to a lower risk of developing diabetes. The researchers pooled data from 10 studies spanning the past twenty years, representing 508,000 adults (mostly middle-aged) from world wide. Participants were followed for 3 to eleven years. Compared to “comfortable” walking (lower than 2 mph), walking between 2 mph and three mph (brisk walking) was related to a 15 percent lower risk of diabetes, even when people walked each day. How long will it last? Walking 3 mph to 4 mph was related to a 24 percent lower risk of diabetes. And going faster than 4 mph was related to a 39 percent lower risk of diabetes. The study was observational and doesn’t definitively prove that lively steps prevent you from developing diabetes. But we already know that brisk walking, like every aerobic activity that works your heart and lungs, helps you control blood sugar levels, weight, and cardiovascular health, which is It is very important to forestall diabetes and lots of other chronic diseases.

Photo: © Mascot/Getty Images

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