"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Your eyes can show the primary signs of many diseases.

Melissa, a 30-year-old educator, presented to the emergency department with the sudden onset of double vision. She had not been in an accident or suffered any trauma and had never experienced this symptom before. However, he noted that just a few months ago, his vision in a single eye became blurry after which returned to normal after some time. He told himself that it was an indication of fatigue after intense work on screen.

After some basic optometric tests, then more advanced tests of visual perception, visual episodes are correlated. Double stiffness. Melissa was then referred to a neuro-ophthalmology specialist who confirmed the diagnosis, and he or she was treated immediately.

Is Melissa's case unique? During my 30 years of working as an ophthalmologist, I actually have seen many patients with various vision and eye health problems that were brought on by a disease they didn’t know existed. They were that that they had.

As a professor on the School of Optometry on the Université de Montréal, I teach students that certain eye symptoms will be linked to general health problems. Ophthalmologists are trained to discover the varied diseases that may manifest themselves through the eyes and work with other health professionals to administer them.


Because diabetes will affect almost 8 percent of the population by 2030screening is a crucial issue. However, it’s estimated that diabetes will likely be not diagnosed until then. Six to 13 years after its initiation. An eye health checkup can reduce this delay since it is usually possible to discover disease-specific lesions at the back of the attention before other symptoms of diabetes appear.

Early diagnosis is critical because inside five years of diagnosis (ie, 11 to fifteen years after diabetes onset), 25 percent of patients with type 1 (juvenile diabetes) and 40 percent of patients with type 2 (adult-onset diabetes) develop diabetes. will likely be treated with insulin Eye injuries that can have a major impact on their vision.. Early detection and intensive monitoring of eye health Significantly reduces risk Blindness, which might occur if the disease is left untreated.

Uncovering the silent killer

What about hypertension and high cholesterol if a major variety of diabetics have it unknowingly? These two conditions add up significantly Risk of coronary heart disease or stroke in our societies.

The eye is the one place within the human body where blood vessels will be seen without making an incision or using invasive techniques.

In all these cases, often the patient's symptoms are so mild, or develop so slowly, that he considers them almost normal.

Signs of health problems, corresponding to diabetes and hypertension, will be detected during an eye fixed exam.

Normotensive or open-angle glaucoma

Absence of symptoms can also be typical of glaucoma. This pathology of the optic nerve will likely be related to excessive production Water humor Decrease in or discharge from the attention.

This then increases the pressure contained in the eye and results in lack of nerve fibers within the nerve through various mechanisms. The visual field narrows very steadily (and subsequently goes unnoticed), so the person finally ends up with tunnel vision after a few years.

By the time this vision loss affects them, it is usually too late, so the damage to the optic nerve will be extensive. This damage is principally to the attention, although it might even be brought on by certain drugs. (such as cortisone).

Normotensive glaucoma is sort of different. In this case, the pressure contained in the eye stays normal however the nerve is broken. The driving mechanisms are different from chronic open-angle glaucoma.

Normotensive glaucoma is usually related to Low blood pressure or conditions such as sleep deprivation. If it’s present, the patient needs to be referred to a family doctor for an intensive investigation.

Disease of the century

Because cancer is becoming so widespread and manifests itself in so some ways, we call it the disease of the century. Cancers that affect the attention (retinoblastoma) may occur. Metastases in the lungs and liver.

Here again, the disease often develops without symptoms until it is simply too late. Early detection is subsequently very vital, because the patient's survival is at stake.

Other kinds of asymptomatic retinal pigment (bear paw-like) could also be related to colon cancer, including A very negative assessment If administration is delayed.

A straightforward visual field measurement can reveal abnormalities that some patients are unaware of, or that they consider so benign that they don't trouble to report them. However, many visual field abnormalities mask brain tumors, e.g Pituitary adenomaor Nerve fibers compressed by blood vessels.

Abnormal eye movements, asymmetric pupillary response, sudden reading problems or the looks of diplopia are all yellow flags that require further eye and neurologic investigations.

Instead of a mirror to the soul, the eyes turn out to be a window into our overall health. This makes regular consultation with an optometrist more vital than ever, even when there are not any symptoms. Many disorders will be detected and treated to either slow the disease down or prevent it altogether.