"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

In newspapers According to a study published online July 11, 2019, reducing your day by day calorie intake ...

According to statistics from the Department of Agriculture, Americans eat about 150 kilos of milk and about 40 ...

In newspapers Even if obesity runs in your loved ones, certain activities can enable you shed some pounds ...

The holidays are a time when family and friends gather to enjoy one another's company — and eat! ...

Work along with your body, not against it, for long-term weight reduction. For many individuals, their New Year's ...

I often advise my patients that the very best weight loss plan for weight reduction isn't really a ...

My patients are expressing more anger and fear nowadays, and are searching for ways to deal with the ...

In February, the manufacturer of the weight-loss drug lorcaserin (Belviq, Belviq XR) voluntarily withdrew the drug from the ...

Lasting, healthy weight reduction requires that you simply change your eating and exercise habits. But many other selections ...

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is probably the most common reason behind liver disease within the United States, and ...