"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

FDA approves updated non-mRNA COVID vaccine from Novavax

Oct. 4, 2023 – The Update Covid-19 vaccination The drug, made by Novavax, is now approved to be used within the United States, and thousands and thousands of doses are going to pharmacies and other healthcare facilities.

Novavax CEO John Jacobs predicted it’s going to take every week or less for vaccinations to succeed in consumers.

“Today’s approval of Novavax means people now have a choice of a protein-based, non-MRNA option to protect themselves from COVID-19, now the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S.,” Jacobs said within the statement. “In the coming days, individuals across the U.S. will be able to go to major pharmacies, doctor’s offices, clinics and various government locations to receive an updated Novavax vaccine.”

The permit from the FDA comes as insurance and sales Challenges have hampered the rollout of updated vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, that are already approved by the FDA. The CDC also approved the Novavax vaccine. Like the brand new Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the Novavax shot has been tweaked to focus on evolved points of the virus ahead of the colder months, when respiratory illnesses typically increase as people spend more time indoors.

The FDA said the Novavax shot is approved for everybody ages 12 and older. Novavax uses different technology to trigger protection than Pfizer and Moderna's mRNA shots. Novavax works similarly to much older vaccines, including the childhood tetanus shot and the vaccines that prevent human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis B virus, in response to a Summary from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

In animal studies, the updated Novavax vaccine triggered immune responses against among the newer variants circulating. The Wall Street Journal reported.

Novavax has not been used as widely within the U.S. since it was approved much later within the pandemic in comparison with other COVID vaccines. As of May, nearly 90,000 doses of Novavax had been administered nationwide, compared with greater than 400 million doses from Pfizer and about 253 million doses from Moderna. CDC data showed.

At least two million people within the U.S. have received the updated COVID-19 vaccine to this point, in response to a federal estimate, although the CDC isn’t currently releasing regular updates on vaccination numbers because it has prior to now.

Last month, the CDC advisable that everybody 6 months and older get an updated COVID-19 vaccine this fall and winter.