Is a slow metabolism liable for your weight gain?
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You've undoubtedly heard of metabolism and possibly actually have a vague idea of what it’s. But there are lots of myths surrounding the consequences of metabolism in your health, especially relating to weight reduction.
Simply put, metabolism is the interior process by which your body expends energy and burns calories. It works 24/7 to maintain your body moving, even once you're resting or sleeping, by converting the food and nutrients you eat into energy that keeps your body respiration, Required for blood circulation, cell growth and repair. It does to survive.
This process works with different intensity in several people. How fast your metabolism works is basically determined by your genes.
Age also affects metabolism, as it could actually decelerate over time, even in the event you start out with a quick metabolism. Differences in metabolic rate are reflected in how easy or difficult it’s for people to realize or shed pounds. A slower metabolism burns fewer calories, which implies more is stored within the body as fat. This is why some people have trouble reducing weight just by cutting calories. A quick metabolism burns calories at a faster rate, which is why some people can eat an excessive amount of and never gain extra kilos.
But you’ll be able to't blame a slow metabolism entirely for weight gain, says Dr. Lee. “The reality is that metabolism often plays a minor role,” he says. “The biggest factors in how you age are often poor diet and inactivity.”
Revive your engine.
Is it possible to hurry up a sluggish metabolism naturally, or restore a sluggish one over time? “You can manipulate your metabolism to a certain extent,” says Dr. Lee. “It's often a small change that helps you burn more calories. Along with eating a healthy diet and making sure you get enough exercise, people can lose weight and keep it off. It can add extra pressure.” For example:
Pick up the pace. Add some high-intensity interval training to your regular routine. After interval training, your metabolism can stay alive for the remaining of the day. For example, once you're walking or jogging on or off the treadmill, speed up for 30 to 60 seconds, after which slow all the way down to your normal pace. Repeat the cycle for eight to 12 minutes.
Eat protein and do weight training. Every time you eat, digest and store food, your metabolism increases, a process called the thermic effect of food. Protein has a greater thermic effect than fat and carbohydrates since it takes longer on your body to burn and absorb protein.
It's not clear how much protein affects metabolism, but studies show that combining adequate protein intake with weight training is the most effective strategy to increase muscle mass — and it also boosts metabolism. can Determine your correct each day protein intake using this online calculator: /dri.
Drink green tea. Studies have shown that green tea comprises a compound called epigallocatechin gallate, which may increase the calories and fat you burn. A 2011 meta-analysis was published. Obesity assessments It found that consuming about 250 milligrams of epiglucatechin gallate (the quantity in about three cups of green tea) helped boost metabolism enough to burn a median of 100 extra calories per day.
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